For businesses that have a desire to dream big and perform ultimately perfect in terms of revenue and services, a dedicated hosting environment is a profitable investment indeed. Dedicated servers are a good buy if you want to host big corporate websites, lengthy e-commerce sites and any other high traffic site that demands a very high level of security and reliability throughout. Dedicated Servers do offer every control and stability that you need. However, it is very significant to have in mind some some important server attributes while purchasing the same.
Managed Dedicated Servers Offer A Lot
Whatever the kind of server you are planning to buy whether it is Shared Hosting or dedicated one, performing a complete requirement analysis is very pertinent. You must have an idea about the resources you need to run your business. I would advise you go with the dedicated server only if you have a business big enough and difficult to chain with shared servers. The budget that you can invest in the deal is also an imminent factor to consider. Beyond that, am starting some other points as well that you must ponder while clinching the deal.
Server Performance Issues:
Irrespective of the configuration, performance is the core attribute of a dedicated server. When a big website is hosted at server of a Web Hosting Company, it becomes critical. The applications that are hosted on the server are big enough to generate massive and bulk load than a shared hosting platform. This is why a slight drop in the responsiveness takes tough toll on the business process. While buying the server inquire your web hosting provider the mechanism that he places in to check the performance hassles. In comparison to the shared hosting environment, dedicated mode of hosting offers more control in terms of resources such as disk space, band with and application software.
Better Server Control:
In a dedicated hosting environment you can have the full access to configuration and root level access. It helps you to accommodate all your server and resource needs in the best manner possible. If you choose to have your own dedicated server, you need not to compromise with a limited degree of control but you can access a good range of authorized access and power to accomplish. You can now easily have a tap on how the configuration will take place
Dedicated Server Security:
This is probably the most important aspect that you look for while purchasing a dedicated server. A web hosting company that provides these server specifications ensure complete security with every plan. Security agreement defines full protection against any kind of functional threat such as virus attack, data theft, server vulnerabilities and other threats. A competent and well-defined service level agreement states the security terms of an order. On your own as well you must not subscribe any unauthorized or malicious activity to escape security threats.
Major Dedicated Server Security Threats:
Undoubtedly, dedicated server brings more control to the Web Hosting Service environment, yet there are a number of security concerns escalated by the experts that lead to the abrupt changes in the server functionality and execution process. Among the most threatening attacks among all comes in the form of password attack. Cons and hackers use sophisticated tools to hack your data and information by taking advantage of security loopholes in your server. Next comes the Denial of Services (DoS) where your website is targeted by directing huge visitor traffic towards it. This sort of massive not only bothers your genuine customers but also sucks your server resources drastically.
If you are looking forward to subscribe colocation servers, it is very important to consider a number of aspects very seriously. Almost every service provider has a range of services to offer but that necessarily doesn't mean all these are useful for every individual subscriber. Every organization has its own server needs thus choose a service that suits its business model and budgetary constraints. Thus, before choosing a Server Colocation provider you should prepare a proper checklist of the questions to be asked from the provider in order to clinch a deal ideal for your business needs.
Observe The Facilities A Colocation Provider Offers
It is vital to go through the complete round up before finalizing the data center provider where your servers are probably being colocated. The below illustrated are numerous pertinent questions you should ask your service provider.
Server Scalability Factor:
Being the business owner, it is quite vital for you to ask provider whether or not he is able to fulfill your computing and networking requirements to complement your growing business environment. The scalability depicts the ability of the service provider to offer resources and other facilities vital to your business. To ensure a perfect colocation, make sure that service providers take advantage of proven technologies and other elements important to service. Only a scalable Data Center Service environment can provide flexible deployment of higher density solutions to maximize the returns on the investment.
Reliability and Resilience:
An ideal colocation provider ensures complete redundancy in terms of power cooling. In this way provider establishes maximum system uptime throughout the service. Inquire whether or not the service provider is offering precise and transparent Service Level Agreement that guarantees 100% uptime.
Server Security:
You must not ignore the security concerns when you place-in your mission critical data in a complex data center environment. Check out with your web hosting provider about the security mechanism installed in the premises whether physical security or application based security with comprehensive backup solutions. Ensure that the provider applies the best security and back up plan for information security. These security mechanisms may include the installation of biometric security, card readers, keypad or electronic locks and digital cameras in place.
Hosting Technical Support:
While subscribing the service one more thing that demands serious thought is the technical support that a hosting provider provides. Ask your Web Hosting agency about the technical support mechanism inside the data center. Usually, there are certain standard set of customer care/ technical care available at every data centers. This includes telephone support and email support on 24x7 basis. Make sure that technical support staff at the facility is available round the clock basis or whenever the need arises. You may alternatively contact references to crosscheck the snag resolution ratio in distress.
Data Center Location:
This is interesting but true. The location of the data center is very significant for your colocation servers hosted in that data center. It is very important to consider where the data center is located and how much time it takes to reach here from the nearest key point. Locations with lesser possibilities of natural disasters should be the top most choice for the colocation.
Energy Efficiency:
On a usual working day data center consumes a good amount may times higher than an office building. The need of energy and resource is a continuous process. Thus, it is very important to know how your service provider applies green hosting environment inside the premises to fulfill your escalating energy needs.
These are the points that play a significant role in the colocation. A service provider who underlines all these services in its service leaflet can serve you better. Be cautious while choosing one for the best services on the card.