Once you are started to manage your hosting requirements by incepting dedicated hosting services, ensure that you follow some strict quality measurements to fulfill the accomplished demands of dedicated web hosting services.
In the web hosting domain, dedicated servers do offer a number of service advantages to the users. These dedicated services are specially meant to deliver users a huge bunch of advantages in the terms of server resources and other infrastructure management scenario. This is therefore very necessary to save your dedicated server resources against various con activities and malware threats.
Listed here are various kinds of attacks that should be tracked and altered during the dedicated hosting services. A hacker may use software scripts to get an unauthorized access to the server and start attacking the supporting network infrastructure and associated services. Unauthorized alteration and intrusion in data is another thing that’s giving tough times to the web hosting experts. Dedicated server hosting offers wide advantages to the users in the senses of resource utilization, server administration and server maintenance etc.
Recommended Installation of vital services:
Keep your dedicated hosting safe against the con activities. You should also ensure that ensure that less number of ports are open for the running applications on the server. To get the best of your dedicated hosting, you should use SSH rather than Telnet. Telnet is more vulnerable to the users so you can also disable your FTP service for certain time period.
Firewall Installation Improves server intensity:
Keeping your dedicated server safe against the attacks could also be achieved by installing better firewalls across the service and servers. These firewalls will help to detect intrusion attempts and other malpractices. These firewalls act as an interface between the running application and end users and available both for the Linux and Windows platform.
Password protection:
Securing your dedicated server with password is also a great way to deal with the reduced performance of the dedicated servers. Default user names and passwords are available in the non-encrypted text format. You should therefore change it on the frequent intervals and assign different password and IDs both for the users and administrators. The password protection measures are coveted to add lifeline to the server hosting issues.
Dedicated Hosting Server Monitoring:
Monitoring of your dedicated hosting services should be inclined through incredible server performance and reduced resource overheads. Server malfunctioning is always an eminent issue web hosting experts deal with during the in order to rationalize the entire process of hosting. If several independent services are running across the server make sure that administration and functioning of the stated services are performed on a single dedicated server at a time.
There is no magic stick is yet discovered to put a check on the serious security threats. Experts in the dedicated server hosting domain however suggest a number of measures and good practices to minimize the threats.
For a web hosting company where hundreds of websites are hosted together, security is the measure concern indeed. It requires a lot of efforts and sincere considerations to follow up. A single mistake can damage your overall business presence. There is no magic stick is yet discovered to put a check on the serious security threats. Experts in the dedicated server hosting domain however suggest a number of measures and good practices to minimize the threats. Let's find out some basic tips to secure your dedicated servers.
Use Secure Passwords:
Although it is a very common practice but when it comes to the server security, it is quite important to use secure passwords to protect servers against any security breach. While spending over thousands dollars on security, corporates foolishly do a major mistake by making passwords that are easy to remember. If possible don't make the password that are obvious. Include alphanumeric codes, numerics and special characters together to make it more stringent and robust.
Secure File Transfer:
In case you are using dedicated server hosting and transferring files from one location to another it is pretty recommended to use a highly secure method. If hosting infrastructure experts are to be believed, FTP is not secure method indeed. Although in case of general files, it may be used but when data confidentiality is the core, it is recommended to use SCP, FTPS, or SFTP. While managing your server, use SSH for secure shell access.
Security Patches Updates:
Most of the servers that use robust support system includes frequent updates and patches to mitigate the threats of server attacks. Server attacks could be prevented easily if the system administrators keep the operating systems and software updated. If you are using Linux servers, it takes few moments to get installed automatically with single command.
Remove Coding Flaws:
Dynamic server-side scripts are quite long this very prone to the external threats. This is why always recommended by the experts to check any script you or users on your server install. You can take advantage of several vulnerability checkers available easily across the web. This is also very necessary to keep your content management systems and shopping carts up to date on regular basis.
Check Your Logs:
It is a good practice to ensure timely checking of the system log in order to track any suspicious activity. Monitor your logs using per-installed scripts and monitoring services with instant alerts