I have a big old desktop PC. Huge metal coolermaster cm storm trooper case. I connect to internet via Ethernet. Works well. But when I ordered the custom built machine I asked for an internal dual band wifi card just in case i had to ever move the machine where it was unfeasible to run a wired connection. Out of curiousity I today screwed in the three antenna which were supplied to the back of the PC (with great difficulty reaching the tight space) and then joined my wifi on it. Just gauge its working ok if needed. At this point it's worth noting we use wifi at home all the time on our consoles and Apple devices and it works well with strong signals and good throughput. But on the desktop machine I was testing it was terrible. Barely able to connect and when it did it was at speeds of less than 10 megabits. and this is even with my access point in the same room!
is this because the antenna are right round the back of the PC (largely metallic case) with no clear line of sight to the access point? I suspect this is the case and clunky desktop PC are not suited well to wifi. I just remember we had a gaming laptop in this very room sometime ago which had absolutely no issues using the home wifi
It depends on where you have the antenna placed for the desktop. If it is inside the case, you need to put in an external one. Also the Wireless radio on your Gateway has a lot to do with it.
If you plan on gaming, look at going with Dual or triple antenna Wireless-ac for the computer and your connection to the router. You can go to smallnetbuilder.com for further information.
The internal card is triple antenna ac. But I think because they screw into the three holes right round the back of the PC there is massive attenuation. I think to make the wifi useable I need to extend the cable from the back so the antennas have a clearer line of sight. Trouble is finding a solution. Three long cables coming from the back to three separate antenna which are non standing!
I presume you can't swivel the comp around to test the theory?
Unfortunately not. The storm trooper case is colossal (in hindsight a regrettable decision !) and just about fitted under the desk. Just getting round the back to access something is quite a mission.
Checkout drivers. Google that card with win 10.
Find an extended aerial? I've got one on the end of a wire.
See if you can borrow a wifi extender/repeater to put next to or close by the PC and see if it makes any difference to the signal strength?
Otherwise there are single aerials that you can buy with long leads that you screw in-place of your current ones and then place them anywhere you want , many have magnetic bases , but they generally aren't that cheap.
Found this as an option...
TP-LINK TL-ANT24EC5S 5m Antenna Extension Cable: Amazon.co.uk: Computers Accessories
You should be able to get the extension wires to allow you to place the antennas up high. What is the mfg and model of the card inside the machine and what chipset is on the wifi?
That is not going to solve their problem. They had to move the unit, so there is no easy way to put a wired device in the area. Going with Ethernet over Power adapters are bad if you are wanting speeds for media streaming or gaming.
Please re-read what I wrote , I didn't mention PoE or wired devices , powered wifi extender.