
Testing Macrim Reflect

Many experts here have recommended using Macrim as a preferred
backup program.

So now that I've had it for a while and my win 10 is stable, how does
one "test" the backup image without doing it for real?

Appreciate any advice and tips.

remove current hdd and apply backup to a spare hdd and boot from it..

otherwise you have to do it for real..

Your system specs show that you are using the Windows 10 Home edition, which means that you cannot use Hyper-V virtualization (for free Hyper-V, Pro, Education or Enterprise edition is required).

You can install free VirtualBoxor VMware Player, create a new virtual machine, boot it with Macrium boot disk and restore the image to test it works.

that process comes with a whole new set of user instructions...

that process comes with a whole new set of user instructions...
... and yet it is the best and easiest way to test the integrity of a system image.

Or do you mean that replacing hard disk, which assumes that a user has a spare to use, is so easy it does not need any additional instructions?

other then actually restoring it to a drive....

There is a verify image function built into Macrium Reflect. It won't guarantee 100% that the image is good, but it is a good indication.

Verifying image and backup files - KnowledgeBase - Macrium Reflect Knowledgebase

Thanks everyone for your input, much appreciated.

Your system specs show that you are using the Windows 10 Home edition, which means that you cannot use Hyper-V virtualization (for free Hyper-V, Pro, Education or Enterprise edition is required).

You can install free VirtualBoxor VMware Player, create a new virtual machine, boot it with Macrium boot disk and restore the image to test it works.
I'm an IT developer and not a systems guy, but I think I
can work with this.

I'm going to work through installing the VirtualBox from Oracle.
I found a descent install video from here. This guy basically
goes into great detail and it looks good even though hes using
windows 7.

How To Use VirtualBox - Complete Step by Step Tutorial - YouTube

Now my only question so far is, in the video it prompts to install an operating system
on one step.

If I'm only using this as backup, to test my Macrim Image what do I do on this step?

Select the OS you will use on that virtual machine, Windows 10 in this case. When setup then asks the OS install media, use Macrium Rescue boot disk or ISO image.

Testing Macrim Reflect