Data Protection or Virus Protection? | AV-TESTHow many private users read long and drawn-out privacy policies when buying or installing software anyway? Especially when it comes to security software. After all, these programs promise not only protection from cyberattacks but also greater privacy. The data experts of AV-TEST fought their way through the thicket of privacy policies. The analysis raises doubts as to whether users' unquestioning faith is justified.
And people are still concerned about Windows privacy, while installing 3rd party AVs like their life depends on it.
Whoa! Thanks for the link
On the other hand, Microsoft is not far behind, it will be spying on us for our own good.Windows 10 Might Soon Track Absolutely Everything You Do for Your Own GoodMicrosoft has often been accused of spying on its users with Windows 10 because the operating system collects some data needed to diagnose bugs and help improve reliability, but if this recently-patented technology ever reaches mass-production, the firm should really be ready for a never-seen-before amount of criticism.
Called “Query formulation via task continuum,” the patent basically describes a technology that always monitors what users do on their computers, including here the time when they’re working with third-party apps.
As MSPU notes, the whole thing is happening for users’ own good, as what Microsoft is trying to do here is to connect third-party apps with its own services in order to provide better search experience.
Here’s how it works. Basically, Microsoft claims that by keeping an eye on whatever users are doing on their computers, such as writing a document, the search engine can always be prepared for delivering better search results. For instance, if you’re writing a paper on dancing, Bing knows what you’re interested in and can then provide results that are relevant to your work.
Two worth reading links plus AV Tests latest anti-virus testing, though surprisingly they used W8.1 and not W10 as the O/S.
So W10 users should take it with a pinch of salt, particularly concerning Windows Defender.
Test antivirus software for Windows 10 - April 2016 | AV-TEST
Hi Cliff
I clicked on link on opening subject...see results below..
8 still is not dead, so they have to test it as well, actually WD scored better in 8 than in 10. 8 and 10 version are not that different, only signatures matter. PUP and ATP are disabled by default, so I guess they are not included in the testing.
This is very interesting, thanks.
How can 360 be ranked lower than Bit Defender and Avira when it uses bothof these engines at once? (Plus 2 of its own!)
Conflicts perhaps?