
Resist the $299 Xbox One

As you may have heard, Microsoft has discounted its Xbox One consoles by $50, with the cheapest bundle now selling for just $299. That’s a greatprice. But you shouldn’t buy an Xbox One now, given the high probability that Microsoft will announce one or more new consoles next week.

Don’t mistake this advice: I use the Xbox One daily and recommend it, and will continue using it going forward. But the current version of the console has always been too big and too loud, and it’s likely that a coming revision to the Xbox One will solve those issues. So it makes sense to wait.

The question is how long to wait.

Microsoft’s E3 2016 keynoteis just 6 days away. If you’re as serious about Xbox as I am, you’ll want to pay close attention to what the firm announces at the show, and then act accordingly.

So, for example, let’s say Microsoft does announce a slimmer, quieter, cost-reduced Xbox One, which I’ll call Xbox One S for simplicity’s sake. (Where “S” stands for “slim” as it did for the Xbox 360 S that Microsoft announced in 2010, five years after the original console.) At that point, the question will be whether to purchase that new console, which will likely command a higher (or, maybe “normal”) price, or to purchase the initial console version at the $50 discount...

Resist the $299 Xbox One - Thurrott.com

Easy enough, after getting a 360 (not really a console guy, so I didn't know the one was releasing) and the One releasing 1.5 weeks later and not being able to return and upgrade it ....

I only just recently bought my XBOX ONE, and ones enough for me.

Thanks for info, didnt know there might be new consoles announced next week

If I could get a One for that price could be tempted, not seen them for much less than £300 here

Thanks for info, didnt know there might be new consoles announced next week

If I could get a One for that price could be tempted, not seen them for much less than £300 here
That's tricky, buy an XBOX ONE on sale, or wait for the new models and hope the pricing is in your budget?

Yes, I'm only surprised it has taken Microsoft this long to upgrade the xBone to superior gaming specs to the PS4. Because...Sony is also upgrading the specs of the PS4 this year--substantially, as well. Hopefully, Microsoft won't double-down on its original mistakes with the console--thinking people would want some set-top box TV tuning along with lessgaming horsepower--that was a poor decision from the start. I thought it remarkable that Microsoft would release a new console that couldn't reliably run games at 1080P--the new standard. It's why the PS4 has outsold the xBone 2-1.

The primary use for a game console is:

c) Games

If you guessed "C" you are in the money and would have done a better job designing the xBone than Microsoft did... Here's hoping they get it right with the upcoming iteration...('cause competition is good for everyone!)

But of course...the best gaming platform by far is and always has been a *desktop* PC...! It will cost a little more than the best gaming console but it will deliver far more--not only now but in the years to come (as a desktop PC is upgradable on a component basis--consoles and laptops generally are *not*!) Word to the wise... Plus, not only is the software superior in terms of game availability--it is often less expensive, too--sometimes substantially less expensive than on a console. Check out gog.com , for instance.

funny enough, I still use 360 an started to think to buy XBOne...
now, should postpose I suppose.

Resist the $299 Xbox One