After upgrading from Windows 7 to 10 Iexperienced ”Video TDR Failures” about every other week. Theynever happened with Windows 7. I see no relation to heavy graphicuses. It seems to me that they happen more frequently when I startagain after putting the computer to sleep and more seldom after Iinstead shut it down. In the first month or so I got a message everytime I woke the computer from sleep that the video driver hadcrashed. After a few updates from Microsoft with NVIDIA driverupdates those messages didn't appear anymore.
I have a stationary computer withNVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT and driver
(recently updated but still failures).It's home made 8 years ago with quality parts and it has workedwithout a hitch. Two screens, and I use DisplayFusion. InactivatedDispayFusion, but still failures. Almost every time there is the sameroutine. The content on one of the screens is suddenly duplicated onthe other. After a short pause the blue screen with Video TDR Failureappears and the computer restarts.
I have run sfc /scannow without errors.
The latest failure happened today andthe situation is easy to describe. I had not started any majorprograms (after Autostarts). I had only started one old program tocheck on folder sizes (FolderSize) and stopped it before execution.Then I installed another old program (TreeSize free) to check filesizes. When TreeSize free tried to open the Video TDR Failurehappened.
The two programs are some years old annot made for Windows 10. Might cause problems. But most of the timewhen I have got the Video TDR Failure I have used Chrome andOpenOffice. I have not put the computer to sleep this last week onlyshut it down and restarted.
There are a quite a few log entries.One 9:31 the rest 9:36. Probably some of them are redundant, but Idon't know that so I attach the lot. The language is of course Swedish,sorry, but I imagine you get the message from the details. I also attach the results of your report program.
Your latest dumpfiles all are flagging nvlddmkm.sys. The driver for your Geforce Gpu with
Timestamp: Tue Oct 13 17:23:07 2015 (561D21DB)
PLease install the latest driver from Nvdia.Please update the drivers for your Logitech quick/web cam they are from 2012Code:Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information. BugCheck 116, {bb11f008, 91b42e0a, 0, d} *** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for nvlddmkm.sys *** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for nvlddmkm.sys Probably caused by : nvlddmkm.sys ( nvlddmkm+112e0a ) Followup: MachineOwner --- 0: kd> !analyze -v ******************************************************************************* * * * Bugcheck Analysis * * * ******************************************************************************* VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE (116) Attempt to reset the display driver and recover from timeout failed. Arguments: Arg1: bb11f008, Optional pointer to internal TDR recovery context (TDR_RECOVERY_CONTEXT). Arg2: 91b42e0a, The pointer into responsible device driver module (e.g. owner tag). Arg3: 00000000, Optional error code (NTSTATUS) of the last failed operation. Arg4: 0000000d, Optional internal context dependent data.
Please update the nvdia storagedrivers Driver Update Site:
Your motherboard is very old it has not even drivers for windows 8 on the supportpage
So it might be that your system is not compatible with windows 10 and you have to go back to the latest stable windows OS.
The main culprit seems to be the old motherboard. I have been planning a major hardware overhaul. Will probably take your advice and go back to Windows 7 first. Appreciate your quick answer.