
Constant BSOD while installing new drivers because of atikmdag.sys

Hey guys. I read a bunch of articles on how to fix the issue but nothing worked so far, so i will try my luck here.
So, everything started when I was trying some graphic options in CS:GO. I tried changing some option called "Multicore Rendering" and as soon as I clicked the button my laptop froze, went to black and I had to shut it down by unplugging the power cord. After that, I kept getting bsod. "system_thread_exception_not_handled" was the error I'm getting and the culprit was always the atikmdag.sys.
So this is what I tried. I was using Windows 8 then. Nothing I did worked. I tried changing the name of "atikmdag.sys". I tried uninstalling the drivers using DDU and AMD Cleanup Utility. Bsod continued. Then, I tried formatting the laptop and installing Windows 10. I did that with no problems. But when I tried installing new display driver whether it be from AMD's own site or Windows Update, the laptop crashed the bsod during the installation, right when it was installing display drivers. Windows works all normally except for the fan getting crazy all the time. But whenever I try to install the drivers, the screen goes to black for 2 seconds, it comes back and then, i get a bsod. It seems like nothing works for me. Please help me guys. Thanks in advance.
  • DESKTOP-JGOLA81-Per_12_05_2016_143152,94.zip (403.9 KB, 3 views)

Troubleshooting a counterfeit installation is useless as it is not known what has been modified to your system.
A counterfeit installation contains heavily modified code which causes the system to behave in unexpected ways.
For this reason, analyzing counterfeit systems is unreliable and most analysts won't try it.
I recommend to install a genuine copy of Windows.
If, after you have installed a genuine copy of Windows, you still get BSOD's we'll be happy to assist you.
<ActivePartialProductKey>T83GX</ActivePartialProductKey>   <ActiveProductKeyPid2>00331-10000-00001-AA034</ActiveProductKeyPid2>   <OSVersion>10.0.10240.2.00010100.0.0.048</OSVersion>   <ProductName>Windows 10 Pro</ProductName>   <ProcessorArchitecture>x64</ProcessorArchitecture>   <EditionId>Professional</EditionId>   <BuildLab>10240.th1.150709-1700</BuildLab>   <TimeZone>Türkiye Standart Saati(GMT+03:00)</TimeZone>   <ActiveSkuId>2de67392-b7a7-462a-b1ca-108dd189f588</ActiveSkuId>   <ActiveSkuDescription>Windows(R) Operating System, VOLUME_KMSCLIENTchannel</ActiveSkuDescription>   <ProductUniquenessGroups>55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f</ProductUniquenessGroups>   <ActiveProductKeyPKeyId>08e404fb-41f3-77ac-59ef-6e9f2d3f499d</ActiveProductKeyPKeyId>   <ActiveProductKeyPidEx>03612-03311-000-000001-03-1055-10240.0000-1312016</ActiveProductKeyPidEx>   <ActiveProductKeyChannel>Volume:GVLK</ActiveProductKeyChannel>   <ActiveVolumeCustomerPid>05426-00206-271-691807-03-1055-9200.0000-0982014</ActiveVolumeCustomerPid>   <OfflineInstallationId>070174394940235886954994989556231225428275917805257990507828485</OfflineInstallationId>   <DomainJoined>false</DomainJoined>
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Constant BSOD while installing new drivers because of atikmdag.sys