fresh install of win10 x64 pro from usb using the media creator tool.
First off, I upgraded from win7 to win10, and the freezes with black screens started.
I reformated, did a fresh install from USB, same thing happened.
I assumed it might have been a failing hard disk, so I stuck a new hard drive in the machine, and am getting the same results.
thanks for any help!
just happened again. I have this PC connected to a TV via HDMI.
when the freeze occurs, i can tell I lose control of inputs (mouse/keyboard) and the screen turns black for a couple of seconds, returns for an instant (again frozen), and then goes black. audio seems to continue, but bugged out. the hard drive activity light stays solid. when the hard drive activity light stops, so does the audio.
here is the latest collection
*also i notice google chrome seems to bug out on me. randomly certain tabs will not load, and remain all white, and not respond.
Doing some investigating in the event viewer, it seems like the display driver keeps crashing. I have the latest drivers from nvidia's website. any ideas what or why the drivers may be crashing?
The Nvidia driver you have is Driver Date/Size: 1/29/2016 12:00:00 AM, 17559240 bytes. That is not the latest one available.
What does GeForce Experience show you?
When I run it, I get this version: 5/26/2016 368.22
Thanks for your reply! I think I might be working through it. I did install the 341.95 WHQL package from nvidias website. It was actually the first thing I did (after installing google chrome).
I redownloaded the driver package, I disabled my network adapter, booted into safe mode and ran a utility called DDU which removed any and all display drivers.
I rebooted into Windows, installed the drivers, and rebooted again. I played with the computer for a couple of hours and no hang ups yet. The driver date still shows 1/29/2016 in device manager. I did not check that screen in the screenshot you posted though. Will play around some more tomorrow and check back in.
Thank you for your advice!
If still problems, get the 368.22 driver from Nvidia.
Ok that sounds good. Just to clear up some confusion on my end... When I select my graphics card on the nvidia website, it shows 341.95 WHQL package as the latest for me. Should I tell the website I have a different card so it will offer me a different package (368.22)?
Or am I understanding it incorrectly, and that the 341.95 package that I have should have the 368.22 driver?
Download it directly from here:
still crashing :
After doing some reading, it appears my cards are at the end of life; no more updates
Terrible thing that my win7 install was perfectly fine, and was forced into Windows 10.
Anyway, I'm trying a slightly older package to see if that helps me any. 341.81
Edit: older drivers still crash.
Went back up to new drivers and increased Windows TDR to 10. Still crashing. Ugh.
Found this:
so try the 341.74version. Please use DDU again after you download the driver then install it.
If no help, try this from a post by axe0 in another BSOD thread:If that doesn't help then you may need to buy a new video card if you want to stay with Windows 10.Please disable the Nvidia streaming kernel service / Nvidia Streamer Service if it is there enabled:
- Search msconfig and open it
- Go to the tab services
- Check 'hide microsoft services'
- Seach the service and disable it
- Click apply, click ok
- Reboot if asked