
Random BSOD error Page Error in Non Paged Area


I have started getiing random BSOD atlaest 5-7 times today on my laptop. It just says Page File error in non paged area evrytime.

The laptop is fairly new and used very mildly.

Please guide what to do.

i have attached the mini dump files.



Please read BSOD Posting Instructions

Hi sorry this is the dump files as per the instructions.

I had only chrome and a torrent client ruuning in background.

[Sorry if i did something wrong thanks.

  • debug-LenovoY70-xxxxx.zip.zip (1.09 MB, 4 views)

Please check Lenovo for network driver updates or reinstall the drivers.
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for bcmwl63a.sys *** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for bcmwl63a.sys   2: kd> lmvm bcmwl63a start             end                 module name fffff800`20640000 fffff800`210fe000   bcmwl63a T (no symbols)                Loaded symbol image file: bcmwl63a.sys     Image path: SystemRootsystem32DRIVERScmwl63a.sys     Image name: bcmwl63a.sys     Timestamp:        Mon Jul 20 11:54:40 2015(55ACC560)     CheckSum:         00AC2C81     ImageSize:        00ABE000     Translations:     0000.04b0 0000.04e4 0409.04b0 0409.04e4
Please remove Razer Cortex while troubleshooting, Razer software is known for causing problems and it uses a few old drivers.

Please check Lenovo for network driver updates or reinstall the drivers.
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for bcmwl63a.sys *** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for bcmwl63a.sys   2: kd> lmvm bcmwl63a start             end                 module name fffff800`20640000 fffff800`210fe000   bcmwl63a T (no symbols)                Loaded symbol image file: bcmwl63a.sys     Image path: SystemRootsystem32DRIVERScmwl63a.sys     Image name: bcmwl63a.sys     Timestamp:        Mon Jul 20 11:54:40 2015(55ACC560)     CheckSum:         00AC2C81     ImageSize:        00ABE000     Translations:     0000.04b0 0000.04e4 0409.04b0 0409.04e4
Please remove Razer Cortex while troubleshooting, Razer software is known for causing problems and it uses a few old drivers.

Hi thanks for the heads up axe0. I have now deleted razor cortex software and also updated the debug file in the prvious post. I have not read the posting instructions properly before sorry.

by lenovo network drivers you mean drivers for wifi adaptor?

Yes, check the support page of Lenovo for updates for your network drivers.

Yes, check the support page of Lenovo for updates for your network drivers.
hi thanks,

driver updates solved the problem.


Glad to hear

Random BSOD error Page Error in Non Paged Area