Hello, I've been having this BSOD problem for a few weeks now - it seems to be prompted when I'm transferring large amounts of data over my wifi connection. I have taken the following steps to try and identify/fix the problem without success;
1) Reinstalled Windows 10
2) Disabled the paging file
3) Reenabled the paging file
4) Taken my 2GB and 4GB of ram out
5) Run a memory test
6) Run an fdisk on my SSD hard drive
7) Reinstalled my Broadcom drivers
8) Tried an updated version of Broadcom drivers
I have just run the windows verifier and started a download from the internet - the laptop crashed after 5 or so minutes, so I've now stopped the verifier, and uploaded the debug file below.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Please remove all pirated programs and such from your system before we can start troubleshooting.
The Forum rules is meant for everything regarding piracy
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4) No piracy or discussion of piracy allowed at all. Such as software, music, videos and other intellectual property violations (e.g. downloading youtube videos locally etc).
Hello, right I think I've got everything - here is an updated debug file following another crash.
In addition to the above I also updated my bios version to try and resolve the problem with no success.
Problem caused by your Broadcom wireless driver bcmwl63a.sys.07/07/2015 02:14:09 C:Windowssystem32DRIVERScmwl63a.sysI checked the Acer web site and there may be a newer driver available.Code:FOLLOWUP_IP: bcmwl63a+8ea6f fffff801`442dea6f 488bd8 mov rbx,rax SYMBOL_STACK_INDEX: 6 SYMBOL_NAME: bcmwl63a+8ea6f FOLLOWUP_NAME: MachineOwner MODULE_NAME: bcmwl63aIMAGE_NAME: bcmwl63a.sysDEBUG_FLR_IMAGE_TIMESTAMP: 559b27e1 FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: AV_VRF_bcmwl63a+8ea6f BUCKET_ID: AV_VRF_bcmwl63a+8ea6f ANALYSIS_ KM FAILURE_ID_HASH_STRING: km:av_vrf_bcmwl63a+8ea6f FAILURE_ID_HASH: {d61f64ec-f048-37dc-f6c6-87ace85f824c}Wireless LAN Broadcom Wireless LAN Driver 9.2 MB 2015/08/25
Install that and see if that resolves the pro blem.
WarningPrograms that claim to update your drivers install either the wrong or corrupted drivers.
If you have installed any driver with SlimDrivers, please remove them as it may cause trouble.