Since a bit more than two months it starts occurring at irregular intervals blue screens with the bug check string system service exception (netio.sys).
I couldn't find a solution in the internet. Because I read something a driver problem, I started to update a couple of them, but nothing went better. I run the sfc /scannow without any indicated fault..
The bluescreen happens obviously total ramdomly. No heavy load were running
The laptop was bought in November and it happens a very few times first in December and more often in Januar.
I opned the new thread because also the similar described problems didn't fit to mine.
If anyone has an idea, (s)he would be very welcome!
This seems to be an error being caused by Firefox.
PROCESS_NAME: firefox.exe
Thanks for your answer, tanujchadha
but I can't imagine that Firefox is causing the problem, because FF ist running all the time and the problem occurs twice a week or so. Also my other ACER Laptop with Win10 is running with FF and no problems of BSOD at all.
There must be something other wrong.
But anyway - thanks again for thinking of the problem.
Don't worry, firefox is active at the time of the crash but not the cause.
The cause is a driver from Check Point / ZoneAlarm
Driver Reference Table - vsdatant.sys
My suggestion is to remove it and use Windows Defender instead as alternative.
Let us know how it goesCode:******************************************************************************* * * * Bugcheck Analysis * * * ******************************************************************************* Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information. BugCheck 3B, {c0000005, fffff8008ab3dfb8, ffffd000bfb52e70, 0} *** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for vsdatant.sys *** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for vsdatant.sysProbably caused by : NETIO.SYS ( NETIO!StreamInvokeCalloutAndNormalizeAction+60 ) Followup: MachineOwner
Hi axe0,
thanks for your advice. I already deinstalled Zonealarm meanwhile, because I found something in the internet pointing also to Zonealrm as the cause for such BSOD.
I have to observe now the laptop for a while - lets say two weeks - and if until then no BSOD occures, should be an high chance to have resolved the problem.
Otherwise (hopefully not) earlier.
Thanks so far.
Hi axe0,
since two weeks now wasn't any crash. So, I think it was the right advice to remove the zonealarm firewall.
Thank you very much for your help!