Hi guys. I have a feeling my GPU is dead but thought i'd double check all bases. My GPU was working fine last night and has been for about 2 years or so now. This morning when i turned my PC on, i noticed i saw random artifacts on the screen and, when it got to Windows login, i noticed vertical red lines on the middle of the screen. I reset my PC and switched to onboard graphics and uninstalled my AMD driver and installed the latest.
When i switched back to the AMD GPU, i was browsing normally and all of a sudden my screen changed to like a black and white static page which i couldn't click out of. I'm currently using my Intel integrated graphics which there is no issue with.
Is my GPU dead? Its a AMD HD 7970 Lightning.
Many thanks for any help
That's exactly what happens when GPU memory (VRAM) goes bad. Try underclocking it and see if that helps.
Thank you so much for the reply. Please can you let me know how I do this? It's an AMD Radeon HD 7970
It's MSI so use MSI Afterburner utility to change frequency Afterburner - MSI Gaming Series
Thank you very much. I've never used that before I thought I'd just have to go on the Radeon settings.
It just happened randomly though as Thursday everything was working fine. Can VRAM just go like that?
Yes, it can play tricks on you if there is cold solder joint somewhere and it does happen from time to time. Just about only fix is reballing it with special equipment but there were some successes with baking it in the oven.
Ah i see. Very strange! It looks like i can change it via Radeon settings:
Can I control the GPU clock and fan speed in the AMD Radeon™ Software
Just so i am sure, is it the memory clock i toggle down a notch or 2?
Yes, memory speed, that's a bad point with those cards.
Wow so they are known to go like that? I have emailed AMD to see what they say/hopefully get it fixed. Sorry again for the question Mike but would you just go down by 5 on the memory or 10?
Try with least possible first. Those cards also tend to run hot so good cooling may prevent stuff like that from happening.