I'm having trouble with my new PC I assembled few days ago. In many situations I had BSODs while playing, browsing net or even in idle. As IT guy I can't even think of it, because all of STOP codes are different! My RAM is ok, disk also, checkdisk without errors, SFC ok, temperatures normal, system updated and genuine. Help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Hi @LongWayHome.
When you, as an IT guy, say that the RAM is OK, I should take it as it is. But based on the versatility of the bugcheck codes and the bugcheck descriptions, I think we should have a second check.
Test your RAM modules for possible errors.MemTest86+ - Test RAMRun memtest86+ for at least 8 consecutive passes.
If it start showing errors/red lines, stop testing. A single error is enough to determine that something is going bad there.
Take a camera snap of the memtest86+ window before closing the program. Let us see it.
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Hello Arc,
Thank you for reply. I will test it in the night. I need to do some things to work tomorrow.
I got next BSODs today. It's more confusing than earlier...
That versatility of the bugchecks are giving a strong notion to failing memory. That may not be a failing RAM only, some other things also causes memory failure.
But the physical health of the RAM is the first thing needs to be certain. We will decide our next courses of actions after seeing the results of Memtest86+. OK?
Passed two times. After this, I needed to turn off PC, because it was noisy and my boy couldn't sleep.
Here's a shot before second pass.
Got more BSODs after this. Somewhere read that it can be voltage problem.
On producents site there's 1.5V on these memory, but in BIOS I see 1.239 V.
But no decision about the RAM can be arrived at if the test is run for less than at least 8 consecutive passes.
But the RAM is totally new, just out from the box in the shop. Why would it be damaged? I can't let myself do not use PC for more than 24h - my job is kind of delicate stuff.
As an IT guy you should know that hardware components may be faulty out of the box.
Well, I never met with hard that were damaged OOB, but okay. I will test it one more time.
Okay I got it - writing it for the further cases.
The problem was one of the LAN/graphics/audio drivers that was not for my mobo.
I just uninstalled them, installed right from the MSI site and it's not bsoding again. Guys, check your version of LAN and audio drivers in "Programs and Features" and compare it to the version on site.
Going back to OC.
Thank you @Arc for your posts. Have a nice day.