
Several BSODs while gaming and browsing the internet

For the past month my PC, out of nowhere and with no warnings, started getting daily bluescreens. At times it was 1 bluescreen a week for 2 weeks, then suddenly I was being bombarded with bluescreens every day, reaching the count of at least a dozen a day.
Most frequent ones are:
More rare ones that are very rare:
And corrupt file related ones.

BAD_POOL_HEADER takes up 95% of all BSODs I get, and they occur when I play games on steam, and on the internet.
What I have done so far to fix this but no avail:
Checked drivers
Used utility tools to help (reputable ones)
Uninstalled completely and reinstalled AMD Graphics drivers
Any kinds of scans done in CMD (Admin mode)
Switched RAM modules
Tested if peripherals and their drivers are at fault
Checked HDD integrity and function with scanning and tests
Checked dozens of threads and blog and tried to apply methods from there

I am going to have a new CPU, new RAM, new motherboard soon, but I am not sure if that will help.

How do I escape this hellhole of BSOD bombardment?
This has never occured before in the last 10 years for my current PC.
  • DESKTOP-83F73M8-18-Apr-16_165500_54.zip (412.9 KB, 3 views)

Troubleshooting a counterfeit installation is useless as it is not known what has been modified to your system.
A counterfeit installation contains heavily modified code which causes the system to behave in unexpected ways.
For this reason, analyzing counterfeit systems is unreliable and most analysts won't try it.
I recommend to install a genuine copy of Windows.
If, after you have installed a genuine copy of Windows, you still get BSOD's we'll be happy to assist you.
service_kms.exe	c:program fileskmspicoservice_kms.exe    <ActivePartialProductKey>T83GX</ActivePartialProductKey>   <ActiveProductKeyPid2>00331-10000-00001-AA649</ActiveProductKeyPid2>   <OSVersion>10.0.10240.2.00010100.0.0.048</OSVersion>   <ProductName>Windows 10 Pro</ProductName>   <ProcessorArchitecture>x86</ProcessorArchitecture>   <EditionId>Professional</EditionId>   <BuildLab>10240.th1_st1.160222-1812</BuildLab>   <TimeZone>FLE Standard Time(GMT+03:00)</TimeZone>   <ActiveSkuId>2de67392-b7a7-462a-b1ca-108dd189f588</ActiveSkuId>   <ActiveSkuDescription>Windows(R) Operating System, VOLUME_KMSCLIENT channel</ActiveSkuDescription>   <ProductUniquenessGroups>55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f</ProductUniquenessGroups>   <ActiveProductKeyPKeyId>08e404fb-41f3-77ac-59ef-6e9f2d3f499d</ActiveProductKeyPKeyId>   <ActiveProductKeyPidEx>03612-03311-000-000001-03-1033-10240.0000-1052016</ActiveProductKeyPidEx>   <ActiveProductKeyChannel>Volume:GVLK</ActiveProductKeyChannel>   <ActiveVolumeCustomerPid>03612-00152-234-360358-03-1033-10240.0000-1072016</ActiveVolumeCustomerPid>   <OfflineInstallationId>203749610055849902121768764694646844368745504006080195504308080</OfflineInstallationId>   <DomainJoined>false</DomainJoined>
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4) No piracy or discussion of piracy allowed at all. Such as software, music, videos and other intellectual property violations (e.g. downloading youtube videos locally etc).

Several BSODs while gaming and browsing the internet