
How To Blow Away Local Admin Acct Password?

So, I just got my laptop back from ASUS after a couple of weeks, and believe it or not, I can't remember the Local Admin Password. No trouble with my Stnd Admin Pswd. I've tried every pswd permutation I can think of, and NOTHING works. HEP ME!

Hello gplea,

If you're able to sign in to another administrator account on the PC, then you could use either option below to change, remove, or reset the password of the other account.

Password of User Account - Change in Windows 10

Password of User Account - Remove in Windows 10

Password of User Account - Reset in Windows 10


I'm sorry, but I thought I FINALLY had this whole stupid mess about which one was Local, and which one was Stnd. I thought the stinking Stnd one was the one that is advised to use for security purposes because it doesn't allow you to go but so deep into the security layers, and the Local one was what was required to make any major changes, like App installs, and such.

My Stnd one is the one that uses my Microsoft services pswd. I don't need to change that one. Does that make more sense?

So, I finally figured out how to create a password reset disk, which was a ROYAL CRYPTIC PAIN IN THE @$$ in of itself. I formatted my flash drive, went thru the "Create Pswd Reset Disk" wizard. THEN, went to my Local Admin login, and clicked on "Reset Password". I started the wizard, typed in my password twice, and a hint, and it gave me a non-descript error "There's an error trying to create your new password". I tried a new password, with new passwrd hint...same error. I even tried NOT giving a hint. EVERY F-ING time it gives me the same error.


Yeah, creating a password reset disc after you need it won't help to reset the password. Plus, you can't create or use a password reset disc for a Microsoft account.

If this is a Microsoft account, then you could use OPTION THREE below to reset the password online at Microsoft.

Password of User Account - Reset in Windows 10

Local Account or Microsoft Account - How to Tell in Windows 10

It's the LOCAL Acct I'm trying to get into, NOT the Stnd/User, whatever they call it. It's NOT the MSoft account I'm trying to get into. I wouldn't have created the "Reset Pswd" disk if the LOCAL acct hadn't prompted me to.

Do you have another administrator account that you can sign in to on the PC?

The one I'm using now is the Stnd Admin, and I know that's the one because when I tried to install an app it asked me to log into the Local/ Master Admin acct, which I was unable to do. Can you tell me why I would have gotten the error when I tried to use the "Password Reset" disk, since that is NOT the acct that I'm using the M'Soft login?

You got the error for the password reset disk since you would need to know your valid password to create it before you have an issue with your password to have the password reset disk available afterwards in case needed.

It doesn't work when you try to create the password reset disk after you have an issue with your password.

You might call ASUS back, and ask them what's up to see if they can let you what changes they made to your password to hopefully get access back.

How To Blow Away Local Admin Acct Password?