Hello, this is my first post. I have only very recently upgraded to Windows 10 being very happy with Premium 7. Since upgrading, among other things, I am experiencing problems with my mail. Windows Live Mail still delivers my e-mail but I would like to move on to the Mail App in 10. I have added accounts to it but am repeatedly being sent messages to say that two of my mail addresses need attention. I keep on typing in the passwords but very soon after the same thing happens. I have "Gmail" and an "outlook.com" account both of which been accepted on the Windows 10 Mail App. The two which repeatedly say need attention are my Hotmail and IOS provider, Talktalk e-mail addresses. At the moment I seem to between a rock and a hard place with neither Windows Live Mail nor Windows 10 Mail App being totally reliable. Help, please!
Replying to myself. Isn't there anyone out there in Window 10 Land who understands my plight and migh be able to help?
For Gmail you need to create an App Password in your Gmail account to use Windows Mail with it. This is done by going to Sign-In & Security-->Connected Apps and Sites-->App Passwords-->Select type of application to use-->Select the device you will use the email (Windows computer for example)--> click "Generate" and type that password in Windows 10 Mail.
Also remember that you need POPIMAP to be enabled. To check this go to your Gmail account (via web), then Settings, Forwarding and POPIMAP. Status must say "Enabled".
For Outlook is almost the same. Click the nut symbol , then Options-->
- "Connect devices and applications with POP" and check if its enabled.
After i did this both worked.
For the others two i can't help because i don't have iOS.
Thanks for replying LM2007. Both the Outlook and Gmail accounts are OK and logged into Windows 10 Mail. It's the talktalk and Hotmail I'm having problems with. However, thank you for taking the time to respond to my query, I was beginning to wonder if there was anyone out there.
Glad i could help. In my understanding Hotmail is Outlook now, if you mean Outlook.com.
Yes, I did mean Outlook.com. Maybe that's why Hotmail keeps coming up as out of date, although I'm still receiving Hotmail e-mails. Strange.