I've been using MS Office Outlook for my email service for quite some time. I'd like to change but I don't want to go to Gmail. Has anyone used Outlook.com and if do how do you like it? Or is there any other service that someone could recommend? Thanks
First off, Outlook is not an E-Mail service, it is an installed E-Mail Client [program] used to access E-Mail services. It is different from Outlook.com which is also known as Hotmail. Outlook.com, Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo mail and similar are Webmail/Online mail service, need nothing more than a shortcut/Favorite link in your Internet Browser to access them. One can use an E-Mail Client to manage those accounts but a large number of people find it convenient to use the Webmail when traveling and/or when using multiple computers. I mostly use Webmail for same as others, convenient when on computers not my own. Frankly, Outlook has more features than many folks will ever use.
I abandoned outlook twice, because it kept loosing emails, they were not delivered.
I would not use it for anything reliable, maybe like a spam email, as well as gmail.
Comparison of webmail providers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of Secure Email Providers that take Privacy Serious - FreedomHack
I personally use yandex and mail.ru, not widely accepted, considered as spam.
To : Frank1
Don't understand why you think of giving up MS Office which is well established, not to mention expensive to buy, for a web-based freebie Outlook.com.
But you must have good reason.
Since the first day of Win 7, I have been using WLM as my email client. I configured a POP account and Hotmail account (aka Outlook.com), and I am happy with the setup.
POP Account I thought people stopped using them in the 90's
It never fails me. No reason to change.
Maybe have a look at I have been using it for years, and am very happy with it
Thanks to everyone for you replies.
It's actually up to the ISP/Internet Service Provider as to how they want to support E-Mail then the people have to deal with that. It's still quite prevalent in my area but I've heard that the cable service is trying to move to Webmail.