
Windows 10 Text Size Too Small On Tablet


I'm really disappointed with Windows 10, I'm having problem after problem after problem.

I have a 10 inch linx tablet which shipped with Windows 10. The font / text size just seems totally wrong especially when browsing in edge.

Whether I'm in tablet mode or not, when I search on Google for example with the tablet in portrait mode, the results are just tiny. I then have to double tap on a blank space for it to format the screen properly so it zooms to fit. It's like the equivalent of using a mobile phone to search the web but using a desktop site instead of it's mobile designed equivalent.

Am I missing something? I have perfect eye site and I'm finding it a strain to use. The resolution is set to what it's supposed to be and the default, anything else yields worse results.

Shouldn't edge browser request the mobile version and more tablet friendly websites when in tablet mode? As I say, it's like browsing every website in desktop mode on a phone.

I hope to hear back soon, thanks in advanced.


It's normal that it gives you the full website as the tablet is running full Windows 10

Have a look at this, it always you to increase the size of items displayed

DPI Scaling Level for Displays - Change in Windows 10


It's normal that it gives you the full website as the tablet is running full Windows 10

Have a look at this, it always you to increase the size of items displayed

DPI Scaling Level for Displays - Change in Windows 10
Thanks for the reply,

But the result is, every single website I visit is not formatted correctly and I'm having to double tap every time just to be able to hae the page format to fit the screen?

Surely this can't be the case? So I'm correct in saying that when you use Windows 10 for browsing, you have tiny text font too?

Image 1 is how it is by default, image 2 is after I double tap.


Just checked on my 8" Linx Tablet

Its exactly the same as your image 1

I need to zoom in to read things properly

Does that strike you as ridiculous?

Why wouldn't they have set it to format like a phone or like an android tablet when you visit a site using tablet mode?

Simplistically, what I'm saying is, if I visit Google, or any website on my 4.5 inch Lumia 920, the website is fully formatted and fills the screen, yet when I view a site on my 10 inch linx tablet, its not formatted of filled to fit the screen at all. Meaning it's almost better to use my phone than a 10 inch tablet to browse....

Thanks for your help by the way, I'm almost at the point of jacking this in and sending it back. I shouldn't have to pinch and zoom on every single website I visit ... when in tablet mode it should automatically switch to requesting mobile sites should it not? Since when I use it as a mobile tablet it is after all ... a mobile device ...

I don't like win 10, either...

I agree its ridiculous how it looks

All I am hoping, is that the initial release of 10 we are seeing now is geared more towards the desktop usage (as the tablet has full win 10 this it what it gets)
After a few updates the Tablet side of things is going to get looked into more and improve

If you can wait a while, I would say wait and see what the big update brings in November, this might bring more changes to the Tablet mode

That's what I am hoping anyway

I agree its ridiculous how it looks

All I am hoping, is that the initial release of 10 we are seeing now is geared more towards the desktop usage (as the tablet has full win 10 this it what it gets)
After a few updates the Tablet side of things is going to get looked into more and improve

If you can wait a while, I would say wait and see what the big update brings in November, this might bring more changes to the Tablet mode

That's what I am hoping anyway
Thank you for clearing that up and confirming it for me. I'm absolutely stunned I have to say. It kind of reminds you of why they included two browsers in Windows 8. One was mobile and one was desktop. Presumably the mobile one from the tile interface went to and requested mobile sites where as the desktop one behaved just like a standard desktop browser.

What Windows 10 does, is uses a desktop browser whether you are in desktop mode or not. It can't be that hard to have code written that makes the browser behave like a mobile browser when using tablet mode, they just haven't done it. The result is, when I detach my 2 in 1, I have to use a desktop browser on my mobile device ... which is frankly ridiculous.

I think having two browsers like win 8 is a bit of a mess, but they should make the one existing browser behave differently depending on which mode the computer is in i.e tablet / desktop.

I'm sending the tablet back. I've had nothing but problems for 3 days and I think I've had enough. Thanks again for your help

Windows 10 Text Size Too Small On Tablet