Hi! This is my almost 3 year old laptop. () Two days ago (after Windows Update) I was playing XCOM when the screen flickers and goes all 'rainbowy' before it blacks out. I hold the power button to shutdown, and when I boot it up nothing happened. After a few hard resets, it boots up to a BSOD showing the aforementioned error. The BSOD only appear a few times, telling me that the laptop will restart by itself but nothing happened and I have force-shutdown it after a while. Now, when I turn on the laptop, nothing happened on the screen. The hd indicator is lit up but other than that, nothing. On the web, most people suggested to uninstall and reinstall graphic card driver in safe mode, but I can't even enter safe mode because of Windows 10 fast startup. What to do?
Edit: I have a Win10 USB flash drive created using Media Creation Tool. I read that it can be used to boot to safe mode, but how?
Please can someone reply? I'm at wit's end trying to solve this.
Some hardware is not compatible with Windows 10, same as it was with Windows 8. If that error is related to the Intel chipset, there is nothing you can do, other than hope that Intel or AMD has an updated driver for it, which is most likely not going to happen.
Safe Mode - Start Windows 10 in - Windows 10 blog
I thought the problem came from the AMD driver only? So what can I do to repair it?
If you can't get into your pc then you can't fix it, where bro67 got his idea that it's related to to AMD driver I have no idea but I wouldn't take much notice his post is just (if) and if it is to do with a zebra it could be a horse. I'm just trying to get you into safe mode.
If it won't start in safe mode, possible hard drive failure ?
Does repeated hard resets via power button cause hard drive failure?
Yes put it in the bin if you don't want to open in safe mode.
It's not that I don't want, I can't. I'm an quadriplegic, so my family members have to do it for me. Either they are not fast enough to push the Fn keys or... I don't know!