Hello, i bought my acer laptop with windows 7 and recently upgraded it to windows 10. I want to enhance and optimize the system by formatting it.
If i do the factory reset from the acer eRecovery Management, will it downgrade the system to windows 7 with all the acer-factory-programs or will it keep windows 10 with all the factory programs?
It's crucial not to miss these programs cause i can't find and download all of them via acer's site. It doesnt include programs for old-supported laptops (like mines).
PS acer aspire 5750g
This will happen - it will: "downgrade the system to windows 7 with all the acer-factory-programs" and none of the large number of critical and important Windows Updates for Windows 7 will be installed, so you'll face a lengthy download and reinstall period, which may possibly fail at some point, leaving your system in an unstable state regarding failed updates.
You could disconnect from the Internet and then do the factory reset and then immediately perform the upgrade to Windows 10, and only when that had completed, reconnect to the Internet and allow Windows 10 to update and activate itself. You would have to download and save the installation media for Windows 10 in advance of this though, if you haven't done this already.
So, you mean do the factory reset from the acer's program --> go to windows 7 with all acer's programs and then --> reinstall windows 10 from an external source without being connected to the internet in order not to lose all i need.
Is it possible to face any problem with this process as windows 10 OS isnt free?
I said disconnect from Internet beforedoing the factory reset, then perform the 10 upgrade, still offline - which will restore the Digital license for your PC that you obtained the first time you upgraded to Windows 10* when you boot again after upgrading with the internet connected again. (*I presume you upgraded for the first time before August 2nd 2016, and not with the 1607 build, but something earlier, e.g. 1511.)
Then you may need to update Windows 10 for the latest cumulative upgrades (requires a further restart) and Defender definitions, and any drivers that Windows 10 can find to make your system run better.
I never worry if the Windows 10 activation does not take place immediately - if there are server delays, it can take a couple of days, but usually activates after a couple of reboots on the same day.
Why go back to 7 to then go to 10 simple get the latest win10 and do a clean install it will activate on your account Windows 10
Fafhrdhas the plan where the OP can keep his out of box OEM configuration and *compatible * software upgraded to windows 10 AU as if it were an in place update from a brand new PC but is * really *a clean install and pretty slick too....
That's exactlythe scenario I had in mind if needed for this brand new PC in my specs but probably unlikely on that metal unless I sell it or the HDD fails and I don't choose to put nude windows 10 on the metal HDD in it beside the test builds booting on an SSD like 14915 ( I bought it with just the usual trial bloatware ) and I got rid of most of it anyway , I use the SSD and test beta's for swift daily driving but I made OEM recovery media for the metal the first day and mostly use it for backed up storage backed up to an external drive for this SSD