
Updating Volume licensed Windows 8 to Win 10

I have a volume licensed copy of Windows 8 Enterprise installed on my laptop for which and I no longer have access to updates. Is it possible to downgrade to a legal copy of Windows 7 Pro or Ultimate and then upgrade to Windows 10 Home or Pro? If not, would I be able to install a retail Windows 10 Home or Pro on this machine as an in-place update?
I wish to find a legal way to move to Windows 10 without losing my installed applications or data.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Downgrading Windows 8 from Enterprise to Pro - Super User

I can not vouch for the below link, I have not ordered from them, it is only the result of a Google search:
Windows 8.1 Professional 32 / 64bit 1 License Key Download Windows 8.1 Pro - Operating Systems

Thank you for sharing sources to purchase new license. I still need to know if a new Windows 8.1 Professional will allow an in-place downgrade from Windows 8 Enterprise to 8.1 Pro which would then be eligible for upgrade to Windows 10 Pro.

Thank you for sharing sources to purchase new license. I still need to know if a new Windows 8.1 Professional will allow an in-place downgrade from Windows 8 Enterprise to 8.1 Pro which would then be eligible for upgrade to Windows 10 Pro.
Did you read the first link in my reply?

My bad. I only looked at the link below the message. Thank you for the link.
Now that I have read that, I have a question. Step 7 says "Close and insert Windows 8 Pro CD and install." Would it work equally with Windows 8.1 Pro?
Additionally, would it be eligible for and prompt for the free Windows 10 upgrade?

Yes, and no. Yes it should work equally with Windows 8.1 Pro. No, it won't b eligible for the free Windows 10 upgrade until you enter a Windows 8/8.1 Pro product key to activate the Windows 8.1.

Although, I think you might be able to upgrade to Windows 10 before activation and then enter a Windows 7/8/8.1 Pro product key in Windows 10 to activate it.

Of course I will purchase Windows 8.1 Pro with a product key and will activate it right after installation. I want to ensure each step works before moving to the next step in upgrade.
Do I have to upgrade to Windows 8.1 Pro right away after making the registry edits or can I continue using it while I wait to get my Windows 8.1 install ready? I will be installing it from a USB stick.

As soon as it is installed and activated, you can upgrade to Windows 10. We recommend not waiting for it to show up in Windows Update. Instead, we recommend downloading an ISO file and you can just mount the ISO file and run setup.exe from the virtual DVD drive letter created from mounting it. Windows update has proven to be the least reliable way of upgrading to Windows 10.

This may sound like a silly question but once the registry hack is done, wouldn't Microsoft update automatically install 8.1 or do I need to purchase a new 8.1 key?

Windows update will not install Windows 8.1, you have to install Windows 8.1 manually. You say this is a laptop. Did it come with an OS installed on it from the factory? What OS did it come with and if it was Windows 7, is there a COA sticker anywhere on it with a product key printed on the sticker?

Updating Volume licensed Windows 8 to Win 10