
upgrade 7 to 10 OK. Can I clean install 10 on another partition

Win 7 is running on partition 1. On a second partition I did a clean install of Win 7 then upgraded to Win10 and all activated OK, giving me a dual boot win 10 or original Win 7.
I would now like to do a clean install of Win 10 on the original, still valid, Win 7. Will this activate OK as I have only the win 7 product key?
Can I use the extracted product key for Win 10 using produkey.exe?

Win 7 is running on partition 1. On a second partition I did a clean install of Win 7 then upgraded to Win10 and all activated OK, giving me a dual boot win 10 or original Win 7.
I would now like to do a clean install of Win 10 on the original, still valid, Win 7. Will this activate OK as I have only the win 7 product key?
Can I use the extracted product key for Win 10 using produkey.exe?
Hi there

A CLEAN install on THE SAME COMPUTER will activate -- You can do as many clean installs as you like -- each Partition as far as Windows is concerned is a separate HDD.

If you are in any doubt just backup your existing installations - Restoring those won't lose you any data.

Note though if you dual boot from the BIOS rather than use a Bootloader you can only boot from PHYSICAL HDD's.


Hi there

A CLEAN install on THE SAME COMPUTER will activate -- You can do as many clean installs as you like -- each Partition as far as Windows is concerned is a separate HDD.
Well, that depends on if we are talking physically what happens in reality - or what is defined in the EULA.

Physically, you are certainly correct - you can have 10 different installations of Windows 10 running on 10 different partitions spread across 6 hard drives if you want, and they will all activate, as long as they are all in the same computer connected to the same motherboard.

Contractually, though, in the EULA for Windows 10 Microsoft has defined each separate partition, hard drive, and/or virtual machine as a separate device and the license for Windows 10 is only contractually valid for only one device. So, if you run 10 Windows 10 installations on 10 separate partitions/disks/virtual machines - even though all within the same computer - with just one license, 9 of those installations violates the EULA - and Microsoft would most certainly probably NOT give a rat's butt about it.

Can I use the extracted product key for Win 10 using produkey.exe?
NO!Unless you purchase a Windows 10 license and receive a unique product key for that Windows 10, you NEVER enter any product key for Windows 10! Click the little, tiny text that says "skip" or "do this later".

This would be good to find out, let us know if on a separate part it activates.

My reasoning might be that the SLIC and system info is already at MS, you may encounter that it's been used, or used X times, something like that. But I could be wrong.

This would be good to find out, let us know if on a separate part it activates.

My reasoning might be that the SLIC and system info is already at MS, you may encounter that it's been used, or used X times, something like that. But I could be wrong.
Lots of people are running multiple copies on different partitions. I had two installs of build 10240 on two partitions, both were permanently activated and licensed. The second one was for upgrading, which was done, to build 10532, which is also permanently activated (but the license expires July 2016 because it is an insider build).

upgrade 7 to 10 OK. Can I clean install 10 on another partition