Hi everyone, this is my first post in this forum and I am looking for your assistant.
I have successfully installed Win 10 Pro 64 Bit on my iMac through BootCamp, I assigned 40 GB for BootCamp partition, but what I noticed after Windows finished the installation and logged in successfully, 19 GB out 40 GB was consumed!
Is this normal?
Hi iMak, welcome to windowssh blog. 19Gb is in the ballpark right after installation. If you run Disk Cleanup using the cleanup system files option it will clear out a few more Gb.
Hi John, thank you for your reply.
Well I run the Disk Cleanup and the largest file size found was 488 MB as shown below...
But the interesting thing is this, I think these two .sys files are taking mos of the space. What are these used for? And how to get rid of them if it's safe to do so.
You can disable the hibernate function. that will get rid of the hyberfil.sys. This is from the tutorial forum. It shows how to do it. Hibernate - Enable or Disable in Windows 10 - Windows 10 blog.
Did you click on the clean up system files? There might be some more junk there. You need to check the boxes for the items you want deleted. The pagefil.sys is virtual memory I would leave it alone, You can disable it, but it will affect performance. Here is some more info on pagefile and virtual memory in windows. Understanding the Windows Pagefile and Why You Shouldnt Disable It .
The pagefile and hibernation file sizes are dependent on the amount of installed memory, and are invariably more than you will regularly need, these days, on a machine that has no gross problems with hardware, software or misuse.
If you don't disable hibernation altogether, I have read that you can reduce the hibernation filesize to a minimum of 50% of the maximum size with an admin command:
Powercfg –h –size %50
70% is recommended though.
The pagefile may be set to a lower size manually in the virtual memory settings. Here follows the traditional way to change pagefile settings, which I hope may be simplified when Windows 10 has its settings overhauled to something much more convenient.
Advanced system settings
Advanced tab
Performance Settings...
Advanced tab
Virtual memory Change...
uncheck Automatically Manage etc.,
select Custom size and use the recommended size as minimum and maximum and select Set, and Ok to close each of the property pages.
You should now reboot.
If Windows ever requires more virtual memory, it will warn you as it increases the pagefile size (note that it does not require a reboot - so why does it when you change it manually?) - you should set that new size as your maximum and minimum size to hopefully avoid future warnings. In normal use about 1.5 GB is often sufficient, if you have upwards of 4GB RAM installed. If you use resource-heavy software, or stretch your system with many open windows or webpages, it will be more.
Increasing pagefile size often fragments the pagefile, which may affect performance. Windows does not have a built-in facility to separate its swapfile(s) from the main boot drive which IMO is stupid.
You can have your pagefile on another, or spread over more than one drive volume, but it is recommended that about 300MB remains on your boot drive - the one that C:Windows is situated on - so that it can create memory dumps in the event of a BSOD.
Run Disk cleanup in 2 passes - after it has calculated the first time, click on the cleanup system files and it will find a load more stuff you can select to remove.