Edit: I was able to upgrade to W10 Pro RTM and activate. The responses below that say this is not possible are wrong. Mentioned here also Build 10240: Did you get assigned a license/product key? : Windows10
Hi, I have a laptop with OEM key in the BIOS which shipped with W8 Core and I installed W10 Pro TP Build 10162.
Will I upgrade to W10 Pro? Or will I upgrade to W10 Home? Thanks.
You will get the Home version
And you know this how?
Just wondering because I've read W10 will upgrade to whatever variant you have currently installed/activated and I currently have a Pro version of Windows installed and activated, it's W10 TP Pro, but still Pro...
Like to Like, so Core to home
Google still works or you can search the blog
core win8 upgrade to Win10 - Google Search
Windows 10 Upgrade Matrix: Which Version You Get For Free - Thurrott.com
But I'm not on Core, I'm on W10 TP Pro, and what I'm asking and I haven't read anywhere if this makes a difference or not.
I understand if you assume this will be the way it works, I'm asking if this is the way it works.
Please - this is no assumption.
You have a Technical Preview License installed on top of a Win8 license or.. you did a clean install of the Preview release.
If you want the free production release upgrade , you will get Win10 Home - that's all I have and it is well documented.
You could also opt to stay an Insider, and continue using W10 Pro as an insider
Most of my Win7 w/SP1 and Win8.1 that qualify for the free Win10 Upgrade will be the home/core version, only 2 will get the Pro version and that's all I expect from the Upgrades.
Since W10 isn't officially released and I haven't read any FAQs that deal with this specific question I "wonder" how you "know" this the case.
I also wonder how long I will have to wait to upgrade to W10 because I'm not an insider.
Why do you ask questions when you refuse to accept the answers? Just seems kind of pointless to ask if you won't believe what the answers are.