Hi guys,
quick question. I seem to have 5GB of free space caught up in something and cant seem to delete it. I tried using the windows 10 tool under settings to get rid of it and it wont work - See attached.
Whats up with 5 gb of space?
On a side note - I have been installing and removing some games totally from my SSD.
I'm not going to go nuts over it but whats happening with the storage space and why cant windows delete it?
And whats win10 doing with other space aside for what it needs with the 27gb in order to function?
Are those ex win 10 updates?
Are you referring to the Temporary files?
When you click on them you should see what the 4.86GB is composed of - it will be split between downloaded files, recycle bin files and temporary files.
Perhaps you would be better off doing this the old fashioned way: Disk Cleanup - Open and Use in Windows 10
Hiberfile.sys eats up a lot; and that is in general not recommended for a SSD.
Disabling hibernate may free up a good lot of space: Hibernate - Enable or Disable in Windows 10 - Windows 10 blog
Thanks for that very helpful tip, @Arc.
My new Win10 box has a SSD for OS and a spinner for data -- I will add disabling hibernationto my "honey do" list when I fire up the system.
(My Win7 lappy also has a SSD -- I never use hibernate, but I will verify that it's disabled there, too.)
Much obliged,
The Hibernate file sys is at 1.9gb. Im ok with that for now.
I also found, believe it or not - roughly 5gb of wasted space on - system restore points due to my installing and uninstalling programs, games etc over the last 14 days.
But that doesn't take care of the 4something GB of wasted space reported by win10 - and when I click to get rid of it, there is a no go :-)
Just a message like above.
Disk cleanup doesnt report that file size.
Hi there
things like Windows.old (previous windows installations), internet temporary files, aborted application installations etc could use up HDD space.
Use TREESIZE (free) to check for HDD files, directories, HDD usuage etc.
To delete the temporary files: Disk Cleanup - Open and Use in Windows 10 - Windows 10 blog
just did extended disk cleanup and the 5GB issue is still present.
Tree - Like the overview but of no help here.
But - on first glance the 4.7 Issue seems to refer to the software distribution and there are files inside from 2014. all the way to yesterday..
Safe to delete?
That's where windows update stores downloads... so yes, it's safe to delete.
Just did.
issue resolved!
As always - Great feedback guys.
Thanks Jimbo!