Just wondering if others are concerned enough about keylogging to not really use windows 10 or reco to anyone else? Sophistication of hackery these days is scary enough with no help from Microsoft/Google/Apple - we have no idea who is working for whom against which. If I were a corporate IT boss I wouldn't dare deploy any test units outside my own office.
I'm using it only on my HTPC and will not enter any personal info other than the most benign login credentials to blog like this one.
that all said, 10 is a good effort so far but they better pay attention to the scant corporate feedback.
Doesn't bother me if its only while testing so MS can see how the systems get used
I have other reasons for not using 10 much at the moment, but not this one
Well..., I'm not gonna do my banking on WTP.
If you have concerns read the EULA and the fwlink's that apply.
I have a dual boot set up and I do all my online baking/bill paying with Win8.1.1 and I just test Win10TP on it's own, so I take no risk there.
@OP, if you're that concerned why did you agree to test knowing that MS wanted information on the TP to begin with. Also, what does Google/Apple have to do with this??
AFAIK - all of the reports say that keylogging is possible, but none have confirmed if it's being used or not.
I'm not afraid of Microsoft misusing my data. But there has to be consideration given to what happens if they're hacked.
But I feel that there's more risk with my credit/debit card info being stored/saved by big corporations in the retail industry.
Finally, the real risk here isn't for those of us who are willing to try new technology, but rather those that aren't technologically knowledgeable.
Doesn't worry me in the slightest. As it is my main OS certainly I have used it to do banking - I truly doubt MS would help hackers by passing my details even if they do collect it which I doubt.
To answer your thread question -- YES. Once I read about that, I severely curtailed my use of the OS.
I still have Win8.1 intact and use it for daily activities.
I don't think it's something we have to be overly concerned about. If I thought MS was going to misuse my personal info I wouldn't have downloaded and installed Windows 10. I do limit the amount of personal info I submit in Widows 10 though. Until we have the option to opt out of sharing our usage of Windows 10, I'm more concerned with someone hacking MS and stealing my info. IMO MS has listened to our likes and dislikes of Windows 8 and is trying to make an OS that will please people on both sides of the debate.
What ? there is a keyloger on WTP ? Damn didn't knew about. I was using it as my main OS but I guess i should be more careful
I wouldn't call it a "keyloger" per say. It's a tool that MS has set up in the TP to send some information back on how the OS is used. I doubt that any private information is going back to MS.
It was in the terms when you or anyone chose to use the TP. I think that the OP is either simply panicking or just trying to stir things up to cause some confusion.