I am currently running Windows 10 Insider Preview on my PC. It was previously running a non genuine copy of Windows 7 and just wanted to know what would happen once the Windows 10 launches. Will I be stuck with the Preview until it expires on October 1 or will I be allowed to update to Windows 10 from the Insider Preview? Thanks for your time and help.
Without a legit key to upgrade with you might have to purchase the OS. Another possibility is MS is supposed to keep the Insider program going. You might be able to continue testing.
The only key I have is the one given to me when I joined the insider program. I'm pretty sure that isn't the one you were talking about but I lost nothing by stating the extra info.
The key for the insider preview is only good for the insider preview. Unless MS decides to give the testers a free copy. As nice as that would be I doubt that will happen.
I read this article, however I don't know if it will apply for me.
Windows Technical Preview Users Should be Able to Upgrade to RTM Version of Windows 10 | Windows 10 content from SuperSite for Windows
From what I understand users of the preview will be able to upgrade the preview to the RTM version. What I'm not sure of is will it activate without a legitimate key from a qualifying OS. I doubt it will.
Well only time will tell, thanks for your help
you can continue @ insider program or update to RTM, ill stick with insider (the option to choose came with the 10135)
Did the option just get prompted or how did you make that choice?
its an option in the "update" settings