I know we don't know costs for Windows 10 on Desktops/Laptops yet, hopefully soon, however
Does anyone have any thoughts on what they will do cost wise for Tablets, from what I read Windows is free to manufacturers (or something like that) if the screen size is small, 7" or 8"
Could this mean that Win 10 on these devices might be free, or will it be charged at the full price as it is a full Windows version
Any ideas or speculation on this side of the costing?
The way I read that is it will be free to OEM's who install in on tablets with those screen sizes. They can then pass the savings on to the consumer that buys the hardware. I wouldn't expect consumers who just buy Windows by itself to get that deal. How would they police it?
Cheers for reply
The way I was thinking they could police this is if Win 10 can be done as an upgrade through the store, so this will know what type of device you currently have and tailor the upgrade cost depending upon this
Perhaps wishful thinking from me
Hi there
On the SP3 it will probably be the same as installing on any other Windows computer type device.
On the smaller tablets --not sure if these will even exist any more -- I think those tablets as also for the whole RT system it's GAME OVER. Convertibles are where it's at -- and three or so years after the "Tablet Infatuation" began people still want and like to use a DESKTOP environment in a lot of situations - which W10 seems to have addressed.
For smaller screens mobiles do decently for basic consumption - so when android is free why would people PAY for the Windows OS on a phone. I actually like Windows on a phone but I wouldn't pay for the OS.
Just been reading on another thread on here that smaller devices might be losing the desktop option, having metro only just like Win RT
If the smaller devices are going to operate more like the phones do, then it could be a free option, as upgrades on phones are free
Not sure if I would upgrade a smaller tablet to 10 though if it removes the desktop and operates more like the phone
Not sure where you heard that WinRT didn't have a desktop, but that's not true. Most WinRT devices ship with Office (the desktop version).
It's true that Microsoft offers no way to develop WinRT desktop applications, but the desktop does exist.
Cheers for info on WinRT, my mistake, must have misread what I read a while back on it
this was what I was referring to about metro only (post 3)
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It would surprise me if the tablet version didn't have a desktop, but it makes sense that the Phone version doesn't.
Particularly since Microsoft is pushing the Surface Pro as a desktop replacement.
Manufactures often offer free upgrade disks when a purchase is close to a release date,
This will most likely repeat,
I would also expect Microsoft to repeat it's win-8 pricing when it first was released upgrades for 14.99-19.99
Full version oem will be about what all are running at 100.00 possibly less at first to get some popularity going
Windows RT may have a desktop, but it won't run your traditional desktop programs. The Office shipped on RT devices isn't your traditional desktop version. I personally wouldn't call it that. I do believe its referred to as Office RT. It specially coded to run on Windows RT. Granted it looks like any other desktop version of office, it has the same GUI. It wouldn't surprise me if Microsoft came out with a fully Metro version of Windows RT.