Would it be possible to update my Windows 7 Pro to 10074 and still get the final release?
Well I am going to try it.
Well I did it, took several hours. The first Attempt failed at 98%. I restored Win 7 and started over. It took quite a long time and when finished it seemed to be stuck in a loop. Then a black screen for 20 minutes. Anyway if anyone is interested some users that have this same problem are going to be upset. Some will quit. I hope MS gets their act together. I know that this is only a preview but...?
I hope you took a backup before getting rid of the Win 7 install, just in case.
From what i've heard, you should be able to now install Win 10 Gold as a upgrade to Win 10 Inside Preview or do a clean install using the Win 7 key as proof of having a valid OS to be able to get Win 10 free.
According to Microsoft's Gabe Aul, yes, you will get the RTM build when it's done.
Thanks for the reply.
I've had issues upgrading from 8.1 to 10, several times. Did a clean install with that same build and no such issues. From what I've read, your current Windows 10 install remembers that it was upgraded from Windows 7. So when you do the final upgrade to the RTM build it passes that info on. Then your good to go. If you do a clean install of the Technical Preview, the RTM upgrade will know that and want proof of your qualifying OS. What you have to do for proof I have no idea. That's the way I read it anyway.
The way I think it will work is the install will look for a key or file on the computer. If it finds it Windows 10 will install and be activated. If the key or file isn't found you will be asked to insert a valid key from a qualifying OS.
Hopefully its something that simple.
funny thing with all the builds that I installed, I was never asked for a key. Maybe that is because I used my outlook.com account..