I have attached an image of my Disk Management screen. Disk 0 doesn't look right to me. Is there a problem here? if there is, how do I correct this? I am running W10 and the C drive is a Samsung SSD drive. Thanks for any thoughts.
Looks quite normal to me, just like my partitions, I'd just leave it alone to avoid any problems.
OK, thank you. I just saw that the Recovery Partition was almost as large as the C partition and that might be problematic.
I am also having 0x81000019 Backup errors and thought this might be a reason why.
I have a Samsung SSD also and here's what mine looks like - MBR partition scheme. This is with a clean install after doing the upgrade
do you upgrading the OS ?
default partition for fresh install Windows10 is 2
1 is your os partion (c
2 is system reserved which is 500mb by default
i think the data partition is either backup or from previous installation
Yes, I upgraded to W10; I did not do a fresh install. I was concerned as the Data partition is 100MB; C is 930MB and the third is 845MB and says Recovery Partition. The Recovery Partition is practically the size of the entire C drive. I didn't think that sounded right. As you cans tell, I am quite the nube here.
Your C drive is 930 Gigabytes
Wow, do I feel like an idiot. Sorry all that I can't read these days. I do appreciate all your replies.
I will look elsewhere in the forum for the backup issues.
i think that 100mb data partition is probably migration data left over
as why windows leaving 845mb, i am not sure
well you got many hdd and have enough space anyway
why dont just backup (especially your user folder)
and do fresh install
although upgrade process with windows10 is all good
but i still prefer do work and clean install when moving to new OS
Thanks. I can't get the backup to run successfully. That is what actually brought me here in the first place.