One last question guys, you have all been very patient with me and I appreciate that so much.
I have now reinstalled W10...Now, what do I need to do take make a backup copy on a dvd?
Is it simple?...I hope!
Windows can do that. But the easiest and quickest method is by using a standalone backup program. Personally, I use Paragon for this purpose as it is included within a suite of disk management tools. It is not free though.
Most people here swear by Macrium Reflect. It is free and appears to offer a very reliable product (never seen any issues reported that are not caused by misuse on the part of the user). Just make sure that you make a bootable rescue disk to use with the backup should Windows ever become unusable. And, if possible, always store your backups on a different drive from your system,
Links :
Macrium Reflect Free
Creating Rescue Media
Creating a bootable Windows PE USB stick
Better backing up to an external HD; any PC failures including power supply issues should keep your backup safe.
I've used Macrium Reflect (free) to back up Windows 10 just after I upgraded, then after a clean install. Windows 10 wouldn't boot the next day for whatever reason & no amount of trawling through the recovery options would fix it - Macrium Reflect did in next to no time.
Highly recommended
Macrium is good Macrium Reflect Free, and also Aomei Backupper Free Backup Software and Disk Partition Manager - AOMEI Technology
Here is a tut for using the built in W10 backup.
System Image - Create in Windows 10 - Windows 10 blog
Hope this isn't considered a hijack. If so I apologize.
My new laptop came with Windows 8.1 I upgraded to Windows 10.
My understanding is that although I currently have Windows 10 installed the recovery is defaulted to Windows 8.1.
I just installed the HP Recovery (D: Drive) to a flash drive.
Can I make an addition "backup" of Windows 10?
Thank you
Use the same method as regards to Macrium Reflect for your backups (and don't forget to make a rescue disk). Don't use your system drive for backups (use a second drive). All the links are provided in the earlier posts. The recovery disk you currently have is for an oem installation of 8.1.
Windows 10 Media Creation Tool:
Windows 10
That will give you Windows 10 only and no additional programs that may have been on your computer. If you want to back up everything, Macrium Reflect Free or built in Windows backup to make a system image.
Thanks guys.
Got it done. Thanks Commander and thank you too WhyMe.
His rank is Lieutenant Commander. I am not aware of any promotion.