
Can't update ANY VM from build 10074 -- any ISO's around for 10122

Hi there

Tried on 3 different computers - all with different hardware updating W10 build 10074 to 10122. (VM's)

All failed -- any ISO's around so I can do a complete install or is running a VM totally broken in this release (VMware Workstation rel 11.1).


Jimbo, check this video, it will show you how to grab the ESD file before Windows starts the upgrade process, which in your case fails: ESD to ISO - Create Bootable ISO from Windows 10 ESD File - Page 23 - Windows 10 blog

Then just create the ISO by yourself.

Hi there


I'd forgotten about that even though I've used the process before !!!!!!


Upgrading my Hyper-V VM worked just fine.

Hi there


I'd forgotten about that even though I've used the process before !!!!!!

Around the three minute mark in the video you'll see how I constantly check the C: drive (show hidden items enabled), to be ready at the moment when WU has finished the download and unpacked the ESD. Copy it to desktop before WU starts the upgrade process because once it fails, the ESD is gone.

Hi there

Trying an upgrade from ISO created -- SSD's are really good for this -- nice and fast.

It's doing the upgrade nicely now -- thanks. No idea why it didn't work from Windows update though !!



Good to know you got is resolved .

Hi there

Also another possible issue -- I had a LOT of files in Documents and Downloads in the "C" drive -- apparently if there's too many files this build can cause problems when you do an upgrade --there's some sort of internal counter -- from the known problems link with the build.

Anyway it's working fine now


Hi there

Also another possible issue -- I had a LOT of files in Documents and Downloads in the "C" drive -- apparently if there's too many files this build can cause problems when you do an upgrade --there's some sort of internal counter -- from the known problems link with the build.

Anyway it's working fine now

Well, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one unable to upgrade a VM. I've tried twice and the upgrade from 74 to 122 seems to proceed OK, but fails in the end. I've had no problem upgrading from all previous builds on the Fast Ring. My 10 install is pristine - no third party software and no data. I'm only running 10 to observe its development. It seems a bit late in the game for upgrades to fail.

Can't update ANY VM from build 10074 -- any ISO's around for 10122