Isn't Control Panel supposed to do everything we need?
I understand the need to have a tablet oriented hub, but why also include that in deskop mode.
Don't get it.
In addition, a one setting model for all devices would need to be touch friendly. The Control Panel wasn't, so Settings was born.
Even though the Control Panel UI will be removed, we may still be able to access it. We'll have to wait and see though.
Control Panel All Tasks Shortcut - Create in Windows 10
R-remove the Control Panel????
*cries uncontrollably*
Control Panel is being phased out. Eventually it will be gone, Settings is the new configuration tool which will grow and expand in functionality.
I liked the control panel too, but, after getting used to Settings all these months, I'm finding it easier to navigate than the CP. Each menu has it's submenu and when things crossover there are also links to other menus(,e.g. Personalization>mouse cursor or Sound).
It's just a different interface, and probably better for those with eyesight(using dark skin) or concentration problems.
I actually like the new settings, its easy to navigate and you can use search if you need to.
I use the cpanel daily
Can't stand the setting app, or any of the touch oriented screens. This stuff does not belong on the desktop systems. It takes up to much space and is rather ugly. A desktop is NOT a tablet. I wish M$ would realize that and stop trying to combine them.
I personally can't stand the settings app, it just looks crap & everything is too big & chunky in it. Control panel was much much better.
My next Desktop will be touch, this one is on my short list