According to WinAeor the only way to create a local account when doing a clean install is to disconnect from the Internet (or not connect when the Install requests a wireless SSID).
Windows 10 build 10122 forces you to use Microsoft AccountI will clean install 10_0_122 from an ISO created using the ESDtoISO tool created by MyDigitalLife (MDL) member Murphy78 and other MDL members.During a clean install, Windows 10 build 10122 forces you to use a Microsoft Account! There is no option to bypass this requirement if you are connected to the internet. There is no option or link to create a local account any more.
Here is the new page from the build 10122:
There is no Connect my account later link at the bottom of the screen!
I was installing Windows 10 Pro and was not able to create a local account until I disabled network access for my Virtualbox VM. This helped and then I got all the required options to create a local account:
This is not only inconvenient but also deceptive. In my opinion, Microsoft should not try to force a Microsoft Account as many people do not want to use it. I am sure I am not alone in using Windows this way and I see no reason for Microsoft to change the setup program behavior.
Some users report that the Enterprise edition of Windows 10 still offers the ability to create a local account in build 10122. However, the Enterprise version will only be available to volume license customers and is not designed for personal or mainstream use. Maybe it is just a bug in the setup program or something related to internal tests performed by developers of Windows 10. Personally, I would like to see the ability to create a local account during the setup stage in the release version of Windows 10.
windowssh blog member Kari created a tutorial for the process:
ESD to ISO - Create Bootable ISO from Windows 10 ESD File - Windows 10 blog
The sign-in 'option' has always bugged me. I am contractually obligated to protect client data (government, military, medical, and legal clients). Sure, I could turn off all of the auto sync, auto upload, auto update ... maybe. It is far simpler to not have these available in the first place - a local account sign-in seems to fit the bill for these reasons. A local account cannot sign-in to the MS Account services unless I supply the credentials.
This is a legal issue, not a paranoia issue. It is a legal issue, not only for me, but for all of the users involved in industries that have data privacy concerns.
We'll see where MS takes this 'forced' MS account in the next few releases. It doesn't seem to me as though MS fully comprehends the ramifications of a device linked to an MS account. I've pestered them enough - the relationship to the device sign-in and the MS account should be after the fact, and an MS account should not be a requirement (it isn't now, but that seems to be the direction MS is heading).
Kari has posted a video showing a work-around (without disconnecting the network).
Thanks for the notification and Kari does good work.
The workaround however simply exemplifies how hard it is to create a local account. 10.0.74 hid it one place, now 10.0.122 hides it soemwhere else. Even worse is the way you have to work around such a simple thing.
No account, back button, OOps something went wrong", next button ...
Oh there it is - a local account!
What a bunch of bad programming or if you'd rather .. bad design. I won't pick nits.
My take is that it is simply a bad decision some executive made and the developers have to live with that decision. It's almost comical for a seasoned software company to release such poor code, even in the preview mode. Almost comical...... almost.
Is MS afraid to just disallow a local account? You bet they are.