I am trying to upgrade through that icon on the toolbar. I don't really understand much else. The first time I clicked on Continue (I am guessing that was the download) it took over 8 hours to finish during which time I got the "Working on it..." Message on my desktop. I went to bed, so I can't say exactly how long.
When I clicked the next Continue, it has been worse. I am getting the "working on it..." Message for 18 hours now and counting. There must be something wrong, but I am clueless and not really a tech person. I am trying to upgrade N ASUS laptop running Windows 7. The Microsoft tech support phone number wants something like $79 for one phone call and I can't seem to get anyone on the free Chat. I don't have much faith in them anyway, since my experience with most support has been that they are using a very basic script. What now?
Maybe you should terminate the live online upgrade and consider using the Media Creation Tool:
Windows 10 - Upgrade Installation - Windows 10 blog
What I strongly recommend, though, is imaging your old installation before proceeding with the upgrade. While most upgrades work as intended, on rare occasions things go badly wrong and you'd have to take the laptop to a professional to get it running again if you don't have a means to restore the operating system yourself. I use Acronis True Image myself (commercial software), but I've read a lot of recommendations for the free version of Macrium Reflect. An external backup drive isn't free, but it's a worthwhile investment.
Unfortunately, I have no idea what you are talking about. It really is beyond me. Thank you, though.
I was trying to be concise without too much techno stuff, but I can only go so far.
Power down the laptop. What happens when you start up again?
(I don't know what to expect.)
I actually called my local repair place. They told me the same thing. They also suggested I wait a few more months before trying again. They are getting a lot of calls. When I rebooted I was right back to Windows 7. My only concern is that when I. Try this in a few months, Windows 10 is already downloaded. How can I get around that?
The Windows 10 that you downloaded will not change. If anything there might be patches or updates later on if there are problems with windows 10. These would be downloaded to your computer automatically through windows update.
I have seen a user, who had to wait more than a whole night at that point. He also believed that it had somehow got stuck, but after the night it said that Windows could then be downloaded now.
So: It is annoying that you cannot see, if there is any progress, but it might really help to just wait, also if it's long...
Ahh, and something else: Before you hit the "Upgrade" button, there is one thing you should really, really do:
Make sure that you have a backup of your data!
In like 99% of the cases I would say the upgrade works just fine, but that does not help you, if you belong to that one percent.
That's good news. I was worried that the failed upgrade might leave the machine in a state where it couldn't boot.
I doubt that you need to do anything about the already downloaded files. If you insist on getting rid of them,
Prevent the Windows 10 upgrade from installing after making your reservation | Windows 10 content from SuperSite for Windows
(In short: run the Disk Cleanup tool, which is in Accessories/System Tools. Choose "clean up system files", and check the box to delete "temporary installation files".)
I'm not sure how much point there is in waiting a few months. There may be a few bugs that'll be squashed by then, but the main problems people seem to be having is with drivers, or the upgrade not installing quite right.
What I'd really wait for is getting a backup device. Best Buy has a 1TB Seagate backup drive on sale now for about $60. That may not be a great choice, but it's an inexpensive one. I believe that it comes with all the software you'd need. There re doubtlessly better deals out there; I got a 3TB drive a few months ago from Costco for around $120. It'd be cheaper now.
I wouldn't recommend upgrading from the icon, use the media creation tool to perform the upgrade when ready:
Windows 10