i have windows 8.1 and already reserved windows 10 , but windows update doesn't work always stuck at checking for updates i tried all fixes on the internet and it didn't work . so how do i get windows 10?
You'll get a notice when your upgrade is ready. I got mine about 7 PM Eastern Time. Took about an hour and went painlessly. I am impressed. I was really wondering if Microsoft could bring this off.
the problem is i cant get any updates so i think i will not get the upgrade
I downloaded from here and put it on a flash drive. I installed it already on my main PC and it's working great
i tried this tool but i cant pause and resume the download. and i have a shitty internet so i cant use it.
I doing this download now to a USB flash drive. My internet is DSL & at 5.5Mb now but will drop late today. Download is at 7%.
Then I'm not sure how you'll go downloading it. Have you got a friend that can put it on a flash drive for you?
but the problem is i need to upgrade for the first time from windows update or the tool to get the key then i can use the flash drive.
Doing an upgrade, no key required.
After an hour the download is at 86%. So, what's next? I have Win7 64-bit on a custom PC, so I do have my install DVD & product key. I don't want to do a clean install so will I be able to "upgrade" to Win10 & keep my software?
Also, I use Oops Back-up on a separate drive. Is that enough or do I need to clone C:?
BTW - Win7 on C: uses 100Gb of 125Gb SSD.