
Weird effects of latest Win 10

Anyone like to have a go at this one?

I downloaded the latest Win 10 and now the Window button, bottom left does not work, and in order to get a menu to shut down I have to right click on it. The search box to the right does not work either, and will not allow me to enter anything.

Added to that, the 'action center' button does not do anything either, even if I right click and tell it to open.

I have also noticed that I can no longer right click on the Skype icon and close it from there, so Skype has to be switched off by circuitous process.

Anyone know how to fix this?


Had that happen with a recent online upgrade to my 8.1 laptop. Reset back to 8.1 - then used my 1511 ISP disk and all is OK. And I thought it was just something I did.

Yes, very annoying...... Actually I have just managed to get the thing to work again by using the FixWin 10 tool, scanning first then repairing......

I am sure that there must be another tool for Win.8.

I don't have a disc for Win 10, sadly.

Anyone know how one gets a free disc with Win 10 on it should I need to reload my machine?


Windows 10 ISO Download

You may find the Techbench ISO more useful in the event of needing any DISM /Source repairs.

Windows 10 ISO Download

You may find the Techbench ISO more useful in the event of needing any DISM /Source repairs.
OK, do where can I download it? From the Windows club website? I take it that it is easy to use?

OK, do where can I download it? From the Windows club website? I take it that it is easy to use?
Did you not follow he link to the tutorial on windowssh blog that I posted?

Look at the very first line of my post - that's a link to the Tutorial.

The download links in the Tutorial are quite clearly marked by big bold letters - "DOWNLOAD". Option One is for the TechBench ISO. These are links to Microsoft web sites - I would NEVER download a Windows ISO from any other domain.

Thanks for the link - am working on it now - looks most interesting.

Ah yes, moving too fast as usual. I will go and have a look at it and see what it does. Thank you very much.


Reinstall did the trick for me. Thanks for the link.


Reinstall did the trick for me. Thanks for the link.

Good to hear!

Weird effects of latest Win 10