
Kick off the windows 10 residue


i'm on a 18GO memory pc. I'm running with windows 8, but when i first bought it i tried to instal windows 10 and I quickly see that I was lacking of space. So i weren't able to dl windows 10, but it filled up my memory and i don't know how what I dl, i don't want to make any mistake. I tried the research "windows 10"... I have been through many sites but all of them explain how to uninstal windows 10 only. I haven't met anyone on any forum with my problem.

Could you help me solve this. (I'm going along with this problem since i bought it, 5 months)

Hello Nicololo,

It sounds like some of the Windows 10 installation files were downloaded onto your hard drive in preparation for the installation of W10 and they are probably still there taking up space. This could be around 4GB of files.

Here is a tutorial from the Sevenblog which shows how Extended Disk Cleanup can clear out windows installation files (it works in W8 too). Make sure you check the references to windows installation files but you can also check any others you see that might help you get more space back.

Run Disk Cleanup > Clean up system files > check the box for "Temporary installation files" Then see what that gets you for free space

An alternative to the built-in disk cleanup is to use CCleaner.
I have been using it myself since Windows 7 days.
In CCleaner, on the left side, under Windows tab, scroll down to Advanced. If you still have installation files in the system, there will be a box for that. check it and then run CCleaner.

Thanks for answering Philc43,
I have done the tutorial but it didn't gave me space. I think it's because i had done a ccleaner analyse just before. By the way it was the first time i wrote into those kinds of "black notepad"^^

Alphanumeric i searched several names on my research bar to find it but nothing, it might due to my "unexact traduction" toward french. Thanks for anwsering

Davidhk, thanks, i discovered things of ccleaner i didn't know, I actually have 12GO filled by "other files" :S.

I start to ponder if there really are some transistion files or if already throught them away when during my ccleaner uses.

Davidhk, thanks, i discovered things of ccleaner i didn't know, I actually have 12GO filled by "other files" :S.

I start to ponder if there really are some transistion files or if already throught them away when during my ccleaner uses.
How much disk space CCleaner have recovered for you. Is it a significant amount ?

Thanks for answering Philc43,
I have done the tutorial but it didn't gave me space. I think it's because i had done a ccleaner analyse just before. By the way it was the first time i wrote into those kinds of "black notepad"^^

Alphanumeric i searched several names on my research bar to find it but nothing, it might due to my "unexact traduction" toward french. Thanks for anwsering

Davidhk, thanks, i discovered things of ccleaner i didn't know, I actually have 12GO filled by "other files" :S.

I start to ponder if there really are some transistion files or if already throught them away when during my ccleaner uses.
Disk Cleanup - Open and Use in Windows 10

Use Disk Cleanup in administrator mode

Kick off the windows 10 residue