
System and Compressed Memory

Is there any way to stop the "system and compressed memory" from happening? I am so annoyed by it's constant 90% Memory usage! I used to have only 8 GB of RAM and it would use 7GB out of the whole 8GB. I recently upgraded to 16GB and everything was fine. System and Compressed memory was only using 1-2GB but now it's skyrocketed up to using 90% memory (14GB). What the hell is this feature? It's making my computer lag.

Your non-paged pool size is crazy. It's 190MB on my PC with 8GB RAM.

I have no idea what that even means.

One of your apps/programs has a memory leak. You need to identify and shutdown that program. Use Google to check for memory leak information on your installed software. Software that leaks in one situation is likely to repeat that on some percentage of other PCs.

I.e. the problem is not system and compressed memory - which is using little CPU and around 1% of your RAM.

Try a clean boot (search if unsure how- easily found) and see if the high RAM use still occurs.
If not, progressively enable some programs until it does again. That way you can start to identify the culprit.

Clearly the cause of the problem is the Non paged Pool which is many times a reasonable value. Typically it would be less than the Paged Pool which is 395 MB. This is usually caused by a driver problem, not likely a process. This can be difficult to diagnose.

Fair enough, my next steps would have been Safe Mode and disable drivers.. but I'm happy to leave it to you as it's not one I've had to deal with personally.

Is there any way to stop the "system and compressed memory" from happening? I am so annoyed by it's constant 90% Memory usage! I used to have only 8 GB of RAM and it would use 7GB out of the whole 8GB. I recently upgraded to 16GB and everything was fine. System and Compressed memory was only using 1-2GB but now it's skyrocketed up to using 90% memory (14GB). What the hell is this feature? It's making my computer lag.
It may be the "Killer Network Manager" software. If you uninstall it, the issue goes away, but so does network as it uninstalls the network adapter drivers as well. The good new is, there is a fix.

First, go to Killer Networking - Killer Suite and download the new version, but do not install it yet. Just save it and know where the file is located.

Then, uninstall the current version through the control panel. You will have to restart the computer. Once the computer is back up, run the new software installer. The new version that was released January 2016, doesn't seem to have that same issue.

I think the old version of the software has a memory leak causing this issue.

Just a FYI, the "Killer Network Manager" software is part of Qualcomms Aethos Killer Wireless-AC / Wireless-N and wired E2200 / E2400 network cards. Without the software, you have no internet.

System and Compressed Memory