Hey guys,
I was installing windows 10 (8.1 before) on my Dell inspiron 15 7000 series (7537), and it progressed to restarting after the installing drivers step, but after the restart and going through the dell startup screen, everything went black. The HDD light is stuck on and not flickering like it normally does. There is no cursor or anything on the screen, it's just black. I waited for an hour and nothing changed, so I thought maybe it was frozen, so I restarted the computer via hard reset, which took it to a "attempting to recover update" screen, but after a few seconds on that screen it went immediately back to the black screen.
Its been about 30 min since that hard restart and its still black, HDD light still on, and nothing seems to be happening. Does anyone have any solutions to this???
Same problem here man. Sigh I should have backed up.
Problem's been going on for hours
exactly the same (Dell laptop)
after the 2nd time when I rebooted it removed the update and went back to 8.1 and re-downloaded 10 then did the same again the next time I tried but no HDD light permanently on the 2nd time around
I have a sort of update...
I unplugged the laptop from its power supply and did another hard reset. This took me back to the recover installation, an then to a reverting back to your old software screen. After 10 min on that screen it took me back to the windows 8.1 login, and now its loaded everything back to normal on 8.1. I'm debating trying to install it again...
I can't hard reset, its a shared PC.
Its been 4 hours dammit
Update 2...
Well, I decided to try again. The update has been redownloaded and I just started the installation. Hope this round works!
Nightrise, are you sure you can restart your computer? I think it's just going to stay black until you restart it twice somehow.
let us know how it goes, I replied above, it re-downloaded for me but did the same when installing
Yes I can restart (pressing the power button), but every time it reboots it just gets to the black screen+cursor after getting past the OEM loading page.
Restart it twice???
yours appears to be a different problem, we don't have a cursor
Hmm. If it's a laptop try disconnecting the power supply and then restarting. That worked for me. (I think its because it needs to have the power plugged in to continue installing, and if it is unplugged then as a safety feature it goes back to your old windows to prevent data loss. 100% pure guess though.)