People's request for transparency in Win 10 was answered:
Modern Transparency for Windows 10 – Feature Suggestions for Windows
But is it adjustable, or just one hard-set transparency level?
From what I've seen in the settings it's hard set to one level.
I did not even know that it existed.
It doesn't.. you can't adjust the transparency level of the start menu.
That's a really poor design solution to the popular community request.
I made a new request ticket to add scalability to the feature, here:
Make Transparency Intensity Scale-able – Feature Suggestions for Windows
Sorry.. but I didn't see any adjustment in the settings for that. With this build(1`0061) you can turn it off and select a color but that's it so far.
I meant it's a poor answer from MS to the community request, not your post explaining it to me, lol.
I understand.. I just wish I had a better answer to your question. It would be nice to adjust the level of the transparency .. IMO.
At least I learned how to change the color of the Taskbar. Didn't like the dark grey, changed it to a medium blue.
Well, that's cool.. And I got rid of the transparency.