Hello All,
I have this "social2search Ads", "Youndoo", & "nusearch" things in my system. I removed them from my Programs list and reset / refreshed all my browsers. Still, these things are not going. What to do?
Kindly Help me. It is very annoying.
Thanks & Regards,
Manually removing such things isn't likely to work - once infested you will find they have tricks that reinstall them.
Suggest you need to use a tool such as Malwarebytes, or
Bitdefender Adware Removal Tool for PC - Free Browser Hijacker Remover
AdwCleaner Download
or research individually if necessary.
Ultimately you can use Hijackthis and then you need to use a site such as
Hijackthis.com | Spyware Removal | Internet Security | Registry Clean-up
for truly expert help.
Actually, I don't think HijackThis is currently favored by malware removal experts these days, at least at the popular disinfection fora I follow.
It has largely been supplanted by other, newer, more powerful tools (e.g. FRST, Delfix) that do a better job detecting/removing current threats and by a host of specialized online and offline tools, a few of which you already mentioned.
The "trick" is knowing which tools to run and in which sequence, for the most effective detection and cleanup for different types of malware on different platforms/systems.
Hi Kannan and welcome to windowssh blog.
I agree with Moxie Momma. Here's what I would do:
Then run TempFile Cleaner.
Then run JRT (Junkware Removal Tool).
Then run ADWCleaner.
Run RKILL again.
Run Malwarebytes Antinmalware Free This should be a full scan of your operating system drive, not just a threat scan.
You should be good to go after this.
p.s. When you run Malwarebytes, be sure to check the option for Rootkits, as it's not selected by default.
I don't think you need to run RKILL unless you're in heavily infected stage that you can't do anything in Windows normal mode. Adware is not dangerous as malware and they can easily remove with Malwarebytes Anti Malwware and Zemana Anti Malware Free and AdwCleaner.
Until you know what you're dealing with, it's best to run it, and since everything it does is undone with a reboot, it does no harm - only helps, and it doesn't take long to run either. Lots of these things bring in additional nasties once they get on your system. RKILL can identify that.