
Change Logon Screen Wallpaper

On the screen where you type your password in, has anyone found a way to change the wallpaper? It's blue windows in smoke and does not match the rest of my theme.


Here ya go:
Solved Change color user login screen - Windows 10 blog

Here ya go:
Solved Change color user login screen - Windows 10 blog
Thanks, but I think it's different now isn't it? Rather than being a solid colour as described there, it's an image like the one on your signature.

Thanks, but I think it's different now isn't it? Rather than being a solid colour as described there, it's an image like the one on your signature.
That's all I could really find but I don't personally know if you can really change the login screen image.

On the screen where you type your password in, has anyone found a way to change the wallpaper? It's blue windows in smoke and does not match the rest of my theme.

There is a software floating around to do what you desire but, I wouldn't bother for a number of reasons:

1. How long are you actually at that screen? Yeah, it's cool to be able to do it and admire it but, after a while it's just 'meh...'

2. I think the software messes with some 'Authentication .dll's' which throws up all kinds of red flags.

3. It's probably a huge security risk.

4. The next time you receive a Security Update, it'll get 'kicked out' anyway.

This is that software, I haven'T used it, but in windows 8.1 i used a similar program . Don't think there is that big a risk but but feel free to be our guinea pig

Screen Background Image - Change in Windows 10

I used that one -- works like a charm! The map of Middle Earth now graces my login screen!

I used that one -- works like a charm! The map of Middle Earth now graces my login screen!
Thanks for the information! Unfortunately that gave my machine cancer. I did a system restore which said it failed, and then it rebooted and it told me it worked. It caused the lock screen to flash between the lock screen and a blue screen with a loading wheel in it (although it appeared as a dot because it didn't have time to go around). Fine now but I don't want to touch that software again.

If you like, here's another alternative to use the old or new sign-in screen, and one to use a solid color for the sign-in screen background.

Sign-in Screen Background Image - Enable or Disable in Windows 10

If you like, here's another alternative to use the old or new sign-in screen, and one to use a solid color for the sign-in screen background.

Sign-in Screen Background Image - Enable or Disable in Windows 10
Cheers. I take it there's no way to change the colour?

Change Logon Screen Wallpaper