Greetings all Win10 users
Have just taken the plunge into Win10
Am having some theme issues (well I'm guessing it's a theme thing)
Whilst in default Win10 theme my notification area is all white!?
However if I use a High Contrast theme it's all sweet!?
Now I wouldn't mind sticking with HC theme, but it plays havoc with right click menus and Chrome menus!?
I would stick with default theme apart from issue w/ notification area... & menu glitch in HC theme is just down right annoying >.<
Any solutions to rectify Win10 default theme issue would be much appreciated
Does it still persists after a restart?
Try also switching between two aero themes and no high contrast to see if it refreshes.
Chrome has a high contrast theme, although it's not perfect.
Forgot to mention... multiple restarts tried & failed...
Switching between Aero themes failed also...
I think the problem with Chrome menu, is a bug of the last release, because it also occurs with high contrast in Windows 8.1 and Vista.
That's weird... Can't add much for now.
Have you installed any third-party themes that require patching of dlls and stuff?
Just in case, run a sfc /scannow and see if any files need repair...
If that doesn't help arepair installprobably will
Good notice!
I'd never encountered such serious glitches.
Worth a try!
sfc /scannow showed no problems with system files
If it's any further help... Cortana is whited out as well
NB, I've done some registry edits when on Windows 7, but none of them involved themes
It was an .exe file (start killer) that I had running at start up... I uninstalled/del it and a couple of reboots later all is good
Thanks for all the advice
I use the high contrast them myself, due to poor eyesight.
I had the same issues on menus, washed out or text not there.
I downloaded the classic theme from this website and now my menus
work fine. I have just one program that doesn't.
Give it a try.