Dedicated Microsoft Edge extensions page revealed early as new Redstone build nearsUpdate: Microsoft has pulled the web page.A user by the name of H0x0d on Twitter appears to have found a dedicated webpage from Microsoft asking Windows Insiders to begin testing Extensions for Microsoft Edge. The web page looks to not be ready for the public just yet as the header of the web page still includes a placeholder build number and other placeholder bits, but this does mean Microsoft is getting closer to releasing a new build!
The web page actually has links to two extensions for Edge that you can download right now, Pinterest and Reddit Enhancement Suite. Edge on build 10586 doesn’t support extensions unfortunately, so it looks like these won’t yet run. Still, I’ve been hearing whispers for a while now that Microsoft is planning to get a Redstone build out before the years end, and I hear Microsoft already has a few Redstone build candidates in the running for an Insider release.
Check it out here:
You can also check out the links in the below to download the extensions, but you can’t use them just yet:
Download: Edge Extensions: Pin It Button:
Download: Reddit Enhancement Suite:
And the holes in the Firewall begin
Firewall before extensions
Firewall after extensions
I would guess these Holes, that Cliff is talking about, are for all you folks that run and trust Microsoft's firewall. So this does not affect folks that use a better firewall then Microsoft's.
Uhmmm, Mike all firewalls do basically the same thing, open and close ports, it's just the UIs that differ, and the nagging. "Are you sure you want to give this app permission...?"
Well that looks good read right up on it.
Cant wait for it to become official
Edge good now that will make it even better
Come on bring it on now
I agree that all firewalls are Suppose to do the same thing, but not all of them DO. I do not get ANY nagging screens from my firewall. Firewalls are just like anything else, ya got good ones, and lousy ones.....
Maybe Edge extensions are coming sooner than most expect! I hope! 👍