
How to get to Safe Mode when I'm having that Auto Repair loop problem?

Obviously I can't click on anything or type anything because the loop is constant. I've been reading blog etc for the past couple of days for a fix for this Automatic Repair loop..nothing that would help and I notice many others the past year also never found a solution.

I burned on a dvd a Windows 10 bootup thing- as suggested by someone. That doesn't stop the loop either- and yes, I did get to the page via F12 that allows to change it to boot from the DVD etc.

Any help would be greatly appreciated...

When you try to boot from the DVD, when it prompts you to "Press any key to boot from CD/DVD", are you hitting a key to continue the boot?

When you try to boot from the DVD, when it prompts you to "Press any key to boot from CD/DVD", are you hitting a key to continue the boot?
Yes..I hit"Enter"...and if I remember correctly a pop-up appears asking to confirm it.

Can you try the DVD you created on another computer to see if it's actually bootable?

How did you create the DVD, exactly what steps did you do?

I just did..and nothing happened. There is a bunch of folders etc on the DVD though- clicked on "setup" and it did start to set it up. It was on some page I was following on how to go about it...Microsoft page I'm almost certain. Did I miss something or is it not actually supposed to boot from it when turning on the computer..one has to tell it to do so??

You need to do one of two things.

1. Press a Fn key at boot to bring up the Boot Options menu, often F12 but not always)
2. Change the boot order in BIOS Setup to make the CD/DVD drive the first boot device.

I prefer 1 since it's easier and does not require me to change BIOS setup. What is the make and full model number of your computer?

Fill out System Specs for windowssh blog.

See here: System Specs - Fill in at windowssh blog

Hey Magwheelz-

Just to confirm, you did burn the bootable DVD using an .ISOfile?


Yep...the .ISO file.

Ztruker..am burning another DVD following a Youtube vid someone suggested...doesn't look like it's any different than what I did but ya never know. Will post the other info requested later if I'm still having problems. Thanks

After changing the boot order to 1 I actually saw something I hadn't seen before- "hit any key to boot from cd or dvd"(or something like that)- I guess that's what Injust above was referring to(sorry, I thought you meant when choosing to boot from dvd and you hit enter etc there). Unfortunately hitting any key didn't make it do anything different- it just started doing the same stupid loop thing right away again.

Will look at it again in the morning..maybe switch it to 2?

The computer is a Dell-Inspiron M731R 5735
Link to the configuration: Product Support | Dell US

Still no luck. I noticed when I put the DVD in this computer that works..it doesn't boot up on it's own- a pop-up appears asking if I want to do the setup or something. So if on the computer I'm having problems with it's not booting up on it's own and it doesn't stop and give me that pop-up....what to do?

How to get to Safe Mode when I'm having that Auto Repair loop problem?