
Start Menu Issues

I've just completed a clean install of Windows 10 and have been installing my programs, however some of them do show up in the "All Apps" menu until I signout and sign back in again. This is also the case when I try to pin or unpin items to the start menu.

Has anyone else experienced this? It's a real pain having to pin items and the logout and in again to get them to show up.

Run windows update again, and reboot. All should be good in a short while.

Tried that, still acting the same. My copy of start8 has alrady been upgrade to start10, so I'm using that instead, as it works as expected, ie apps show up as soon as there installed and also shows recently used apps. I've seen this behaviour on a few installs so far, so to me it's a bug in Windows 10, I'll stick to a 3rd party solution for now, as I've been doing for the last couple of years.

Would restarting Windows Explorer refresh the Start menu?

I've just completed a clean install of Windows 10 and have been installing my programs, however some of them do show up in the "All Apps" menu until I signout and sign back in again. This is also the case when I try to pin or unpin items to the start menu.

Has anyone else experienced this? It's a real pain having to pin items and the logout and in again to get them to show up.
I've seen this problem intermittently throughout the Windows 10 Preview.

I've just completed a clean install of Windows 10 and have been installing my programs, however some of them do show up in the "All Apps" menu until I signout and sign back in again. This is also the case when I try to pin or unpin items to the start menu.

Has anyone else experienced this? It's a real pain having to pin items and the logout and in again to get them to show up.
Hi,do you run Kaspersky Internet security or antivirus? I had same problem with 3 PC-s,was not able to pin or unpin apps,changes worked only after logout or restart,also explorer restart helped,but after i uninstalled kaspersky everything started working,maybe this not helping you,but for me was kaspersky troublemaker

Hi,do you run Kaspersky Internet security or antivirus? I had same problem with 3 PC-s,was not able to pin or unpin apps,changes worked only after logout or restart,also explorer restart helped,but after i uninstalled kaspersky everything started working,maybe this not helping you,but for me was kaspersky troublemaker
Yes, I'm using Kaspersky Total Security, on both PC's that have the issue, i'll try uninstalling it on one of them and see how it goes. If it is the cause, it's not the first time Kaspersky has caused issues with Windows, I had some issues under Windows 8 in the early days. I only went back to Kaspersky in May!

Yes, I'm using Kaspersky Total Security, on both PC's that have the issue, i'll try uninstalling it on one of them and see how it goes. If it is the cause, it's not the first time Kaspersky has caused issues with Windows, I had some issues under Windows 8 in the early days. I only went back to Kaspersky in May!
after little search,i found this,so its kaspersky problem,i removed kaspersky myself and swithed to bitdefender.

I'm using Start10 at the minute and when using the classic menu, newly installed apps appear as expected, I'll give it a few weeks to see if Kaspersky fix it, I really don't want to have to fork out for a new antivirus program.

Start Menu Issues