
Delete Thumb.db files in network drive Win 10 Home

Can someone tell me how to delete all Thumb.db files on my network drive?

I have Windows 10 Home, and want to delete thumbnail files in my folders that are on a Synology NAS. Windows error: thumbs.db file in use", so I can't delete it.

other solutions include using group policy editor, but I don't have a group policy editor b/c I am on Win 10 Home. I also can't run disk cleanup on my network drive.

Can someone tell me how to delete all Thumb.db files on my network drive?

I have Windows 10 Home, and want to delete thumbnail files in my folders that are on a Synology NAS. Windows error: thumbs.db file in use", so I can't delete it.

other solutions include using group policy editor, but I don't have a group policy editor b/c I am on Win 10 Home. I also can't run disk cleanup on my network drive.
I just deleted 584 of those files from a Folder and all of its subFolders on one of my WDC NAS drives without issue. Maybe the key is to have no other instance of File Manager open nor any image viewing/editing program open at the time? When I then opened the Folders in File Manager and viewed a few of the images I did not get the files recreated. I have my drives set to Show hidden files and to show file extensions. In my case it may have been a factor in that the Folder contained a copy of a clients computer, were not actually on my Windows drive.

Welcome to the windowssh blog HD,

If this is what your looking for? I can tell for the Home version but for the Pro version it works fine.

Automate Process:

Thank you !

Welcome to the windowssh blog HD,

If this is what your looking for? I can tell for the Home version but for the Pro version it works fine.

Automate Process:

Your Mapped Drive has to have Administrative Privileges, I use Windows Sharing rather than Homegoop. Create an Administrator account, or activate it under MMC/LOcal Users and Groups, activate the Administrator account and give it a simple easy password, I use "12345". This is done on the remote PC. The Share the drives with Advanced Sharing, when you hit "Permissions" you will have to add "Administrators" (plural) then give those accounts full access, read/write/execute.

Then on the machine with the mapped drives, map to those shared drives, it will ask for user name and password, use "administrator: and the password you created. Then and only then will you be able to delete any remote file or folder you can pull up in Explorer.

Oh, you are on Home. But it is the same process, boot into Safe Mode and you will have to activate the administrator account, then give it a password. Then log in normally and set the shares the same way. For Windows Sharing to work you have to have these two things: 1) An administrator account that is activated 2) a password on that account. Then you just use advanced sharing to share the target drives.

Delete Thumb.db files in network drive Win 10 Home