A few of my apps disappeared, and I can't open the app store. I tried using a restore point, which it said it could not complete. Tried a different date, same result. Tried a powershell command I found on another tech site. No good. Now I'm looking at doing a reset or refresh. All of the articles I've read say "If prompted to insert media, you will need your installation media or recovery drive". I don't have a disk. I just woke up one day a few weeks ago and my computer said welcome to Windows 10. And I've never set it up to create a recovery image. Is there a way to know if I will be "prompted to insert media"? Is there an alternative solution?
Please follow the instructions listed below to the letter.....................
Use the Tech Bench link below to download the Windows 10 iso file :
scroll down toSelect Edition > click the pointer at the right and selectWindows 10 ( 1st one on the list )> click Confirm.
click the pointer and select Language > make sure you pick the same language the computer is now running > click Confirm
select the bit version, 32 or 64-bit. Make sure you select the same bit version as the computer is now running.
at the bottom, click the pointer next to Save > click Save As > navigate to a folder of your choice > click the chosen folder > clickSave
The iso will start downloading to your chosen folder.
When it is done, go to that folder > open the folder > right click at the iso file > clickMount > clickSetup.exe
Installation will begin.
It will allow you to keep you files, settings and apps.
No product key is required.
Activation will be automatic.
Took 2 tries to get the iso file (first one failed, for whatever reason), but when I right click I don't get Mountas a choice.
Hello Klaus, and welcome to windowssh blog.
The tutorial below may help restore Mount to the context menu of ISO files for you.
Mount Context Menu - Add or Remove in Windows 10
What if you right click at the iso > click Open > do you see the Setupoption at the end of the list ?
If yes, click it.
This did not work. Still not there.
When I click Open, it opens the file in Roxio.
The tutorial poste by Brink, our Admin, should work.
I do not know how it opens to Roxio.
Last time I saw the Roxio was when I had my Vista pre-installed.
OK. My last idea..................
Burn your iso to a bootable media, DVD or USB.
Insert your bootable media > go to This PC > right click at the drive where the media is inserted > click Open. Hopefully it does not open to Roxio again.
Locate Setup option and click it.
In that case, merging the .reg file forISO in the table of OPTION TWO below should. It will restore the default association for ISO files.
Default File Type Associations - Restore in Windows 10
That worked!
And we're all done and back in business. Thank you both.